

文 | 艾迪博士

圖 | 毛巾先生

校對 | 毛巾先生

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In these cases it is likely that the increased intrapancreatic duct pressure not only disturbs normal pancreatic acinar function but directly damages acinar cells thus promoting pancreatitis.

在這些情況下, 增加的胰腺內膽管壓力很可能不僅擾亂正常的胰腺腺泡功能, 但直接損害腺泡細胞, 從而促進胰腺炎。

it is likely that 可能……

disturb v 擾亂

Acute pressure causing injury to the pancreas can be associated with several clinical conditions. Trauma to the pancreas occurs in 3–5% of patients with abdominal injury. Pancreatitis also occurs with simple manipulation of the gland at the time of surgery when no direct injury is involved. Injection of fluid into the pancreatic duct with ERCP produces pancreatitis in 6–10% of high-risk individuals.

對胰腺造成急性壓力的損傷可能與幾種臨床情況有關。有3-5% 的腹部損傷患者發生了胰腺的創傷。在沒有直接傷害涉及導管的情況下,炎症也發生在手術時對腺體的簡單操作下 。在6-10% 的高危人群中, ERCP過程中將液體注入胰管會導致胰腺炎。

Injection of fluid 注射液體


An underlying trait common to these diverse modes of pancreatitis is the application of pressure to the gland—either indirect (abdominal trauma) or direct pressure to the pancreas (surgical manipulation) or pressure within the pancreas (ERCP).

胰腺炎的一個共同的基本特徵是對腺體施加壓力--間接 (腹部創傷) 或胰腺直接壓力 (手術操作) 或胰腺內壓力 (ERCP)。

An underlying trait common to …… 一個共同的基本特徵是……

Recognizing that the pancreas possesses pressure- sensitive, mechanically activated ion channels now provides a mechanism by which these injuries occur.

現在認識到胰腺具有壓敏、機械激活的離子通道這一事實, 提供了發生這些損傷的機制的可能。

Moreover, our current findings suggest that strategies to block Piezo1 could be used to prevent pancreatitis when manipulation of the pancreas is anticipated as with pancreatic surgery or ERCP.

Moreover adv 此外

此外, 我們目前的發現表明, 阻止 Piezo1 的策略可以用來防止胰腺炎, 當預期胰腺手術或 ERCP 操作時。







(運營人 搖擺浴巾)