讀英文小幽默學自然拼讀 u/ʌ/--A Man with a Gun


us 公共汽車 run 跑 gun 槍

It's a sunny day. A woman gets off the bus and goes into a butcher shop to buy some meat. A strange man follows her into the shop and stands behind her. Suddenly the woman screams, and the man turns and runs out of the shop. At that time, some policemen are passing by. They find a gun in the man's pocket.The man is a robber.

"Madam, thank you very much.Your scream saved me," the butcher says, "but how did you know he was a robber?"

“I didn't konw,”replies the woman, "I screamed because the meat was too expensive."



這一天陽光明媚,一個女人下了公交車,走進一家肉店買肉。一個陌生男人跟著她走進了這家商店, 站在她身後。 突然,這個女人尖叫了起來,那個男人轉身就跑出了商店。 這時,一些警察正路過,他們在這個男人的口袋裡發現了一把槍。 這個人是強盜。

“夫人,真是太感謝你了,你的尖叫聲救了我啊。” 屠夫說道, “但是, 你怎麼知道他是一個強盜的呢?”

“我不知道呀。”這個女人回答說, “我尖叫,是因為肉太貴了。”