




I, 25 years old, B, 160,45 Kg, non-solo, postgraduate student, boyfriend, 25 years old, 170,66 Kg, non-solo, UI designer, monthly salary 12K.


We are high school classmates, high school confession, freshman together. Super good to me, and I PU very high, has been different, the first time to each other.


I graduated from university in 2015. My boyfriend is shenzhen. I have been a teacher in chongqing for 2 years.


At the end of 2015, I cheated on him and broke up with him for half a year. After getting along with A, I felt it was not suitable for him. He cut the scissors of the other party and found out that he was pregnant after breaking up. After my boyfriend knew,


he asked his mother to accompany me to have an abortion. The whole family took good care of me.


my boyfriend is not always mind this matter, before said not to mind, but my heart has always been mind. Now more will provide emotional value, is the stone attribute changed?


Boyfriend is highly motivated, study hard, active fitness. Now I often praise her boyfriend sweetly, occasionally because of the distance PU explosion.


I will not send my photos in the moments before, only after several times. Feel high. Help is: can we get married?


My mother has been against it for years. Now high emotional concentration, every day on the phone, shopping. Marriage used to come up, but now it doesn't.


I loved my boyfriend and was terrified of the hurt I had caused him. Shall I bring up the subject of marriage? Wait for your boyfriend to initiate? How can I get married without being retaliated by my boyfriend?



From the moment you cheat, your relationship with your boyfriend has gone cold. What's more, your cheating situation has become so serious that you're pregnant with a scissors man and have your boyfriend's parents accompany you to have an abortion. Even if you can by luck enter marriage with the other side, when MV of oneself after marriage is lowest and feebly resists, also can suffer the retaliation of the other side necessarily.


In this relationship, the problem is not so much that you are trying to outdo the other person, but that it is your infidelity that is causing the most damage to the relationship. If you are looking forward to a healthy and normal marriage, it is advisable to break up with your partner as soon as possible. Especially at present the other party has been unwilling to long choose to you, you jump on the results will not be as you wish.


Finally, it's important to note that in the next relationship, the abortion experience should be at the height of the relationship and the next boyfriend to confess. Just in case it gets out in the future and blows up your PU again.
