如何寫一封規範的Cover letter?

投過了SCI期刊的小夥伴都知道,在投稿的時候需要寫cover letter。如何寫呢?對於新手來說,這是比較頭痛的。聰明的小夥伴會說,那還不簡單,直接百度一下,一大堆模板。網上模板是挺多的,但是規範的還是比較少的。在這裡給大家分享一些技巧。

Tips 1

Cover letter 開頭的稱呼不能直接寫“Dear editor”,這明顯是不禮貌的,正確的做法是要這樣子“Dear Prof. 或Dr. +主編名字”,這是規範的做法。

Tips 2

寫自稱時不要用We,一定要用I,最好就這樣“On the behalf of my co-authors, I submit ...”。因為我們寫信時,是通訊作者給期刊主編寫信,而不是全體作者。

Tips 3

在說把自己的稿件投給某期刊時,要寫出期刊的全稱,而且要用斜體字,這是規範的做法,千萬不要寫“your journal"。

Tips 4


Cover letter 模板:

Dear Dr.SheriL. Robb,

Onbehalf of my co-authors, I submit our manuscript entitled “文章題目” asan article toJournalof Music Therapy.


All authorshave approved the manuscript for submission and without any potential competinginterests. In addition, I promise that the paper is not submitted to any otherjournals. I have been very impressed by the overall quality of the work publishedby Journalof Music Therapy. It will be my great pleasure and honor to publishour novel work in Journal of Music Therapy as well.

