英語口語基礎-I didn't mean to+(verb)

I didn't mean to + (verb)

“didn't”一詞是“did not”的縮寫。 當在帶有“mean to”一詞的句子中使用它時,你是在告訴別人你做了一些你後悔或對不起的事情。 這可能是身體上,精神上或口頭上的行為。


"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
"I didn't mean to call you so late."
"I didn't mean to lie about what happened."
"I didn't mean to embarrass you."
"I didn't mean to stay out so late."
"I did not mean to say those things."
"I did not mean to leave you out."
"I did not mean to make you confused."
"I did not mean to think you were involved."
"I did not mean to cause trouble."

I don't have time to + (verb)

“don't”這個詞是“do not”的縮略詞。當加上“have time to”時,你只是說明你有其他的義務,所有其他的事情都必須等待。


"I don't have time to explain."
"I don't have time to eat."
"I don't have time to exercise."
"I don't have time to watch my favorite TV show."
"I don't have time to talk."

你也可以用“I don't”來表達你不喜歡的事情,你不理解的事情,或者你不做的事情。


"I don't eat meat."
"I don't like the rain."
"I don't understand Spanish."
"I do not understand what you are saying."
"I do not like scary movies."
"I do not like sports."