漢服愛好者十音Shiyin 作客國外知名媒體演播室為漢服正名

【#漢服# 特輯:時尚博主、漢服愛好者十音Shiyin 作客演播室】從小眾到流行,漢服逐漸摘掉“奇裝異服”的標籤到走進日常。在年輕人中受到追捧的同時,也成了國內外的熱議話題,那麼,漢服的日常化可行嗎?數字時代對漢服文化的傳播有哪些幫助?有人說,漢服是找回傳統的美與珍貴的記憶;也有人說,穿漢服是一種做自己的態度,你的觀點是什麼?
Hanfu is the traditional clothing for the Han Chinese. Recently more and more young people choose to dress Hanfu in their daily life. To help us better appreciate this Hanfu phenomenon, we have here joining us in our studio Wang Shiyin ,who is a fashion blogger and Hanfu Enthusiast.