
China's "splendid success" in economic growth and poverty alleviation in the past 70 years proves that the Western development model "is by no means the only option," a scholar in the United States has said.


(poverty alleviation: 扶貧, by no means: 絕不)
The reform and opening-up has enabled China's economy to develop "at an unprecedented speed," James Chieh Hsiung, professor of politics at New York University (NYU), told Xinhua recently.


(reform and opening-up改革開放,at a speed(of): 以......的速度)

Apart from the economic success, China's lifting of hundreds of millions of people out of poverty over the past 40 years is "indeed a world miracle," said the 84-year-old professor, who teaches international relations of Asia, international law, and international governance at the NYU.


(apart from:除了(包含在內),與besides, in addition to同義; lift people out of poverty 使人們脫貧)

Much of China's success is due to its ability to combine socialism and the market economy, making them reinforce each other, the professor said. "To put it in a simple way, the result is '1 + 1 > 2.'"

教授說中國的成功主要是因為她能將社會主義和市場經濟結合起來,使它們相互加強。“更簡單來說,(加強的)結果是'1 + 1 > 2.'”

(combine A and/with B:把A和B結合起來; '1 + 1 > 2, one plus (and) one is more than two)

It proves that Western capitalism is by no means the only option for a country's development, he said.

Another important factor that leads to the success of China's reform and opening-up is "the unified leadership of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC)," Hsiung said.

Hsiung 還說到另一箇中國改革開放取得成功的重要因素是執政黨CPC中國共產黨的統一領導。

(factor:因素; lead to:導致...結果,=result in;unified leadership:統一領導; ruling party:執政黨)
The CPC's unified leadership guarantees effective implementation of national policies from the central government to local levels, he said. "This is something totally different from how divided and weak China was before 1949."


(guarantee:保證; implementation實施,貫徹,實行;divided,分裂的,分歧的)
China's remarkable achievements in the past 70 years make it clear that Chinese culture and philosophy "got many advantages in national political and economic governance, and Chinese people have every reason to be confident and proud about their history and culture," Hsiung said.


(make it clear: 把...說清楚, have every reason: 完全有理由,有充分的理由)
