




HI, I’m A.J. Hoge. And welcome to the first secret or the first rule for excellent English speaking.

Now, this whole video course, it’s going to teach you a very, very different way of learning English. If you follow everyone of these secrets or rules, I promise you, your English speaking will improve tremendously a lot. You will make a big improvement. And I also promise you, you’ll enjoy learning English better, enjoy speaking it more. You feel more confident. All of these things will happen.

Let’s get started. What is secret number one? Secret number one is always study and learn phrases, not individual words. All right, so what’s a phrase? A frase simply a group of words. Doesn’t need to be a full sentence, although that’s fine. But it’s a group of words more than one word. That’s a phrase. So this is a very very simple rule, simple secret, but extremely powerful.

In fact, this is one of the keys to learning and mastering English grammar when you speak. It’s much better than studying grammar textbooks.

Okay, so in your traditional English classes, schools and books, your normal book classes that you took before, the normal books that you used before, how did you learn? When you learn vocabulary, you have long vocabulary lists, right? Usually the back of the chapter, there’s a list, and you see the word, and then maybe a translation of meaning in your own language. You just study these lists of words and memorize them, try to memorize them for tests. Probably you forgot most of them.

That’s what usually happens. So this is a very painful and boring method, right? I mean nobody likes studying list of vocabulary words. Good, good news for you. Stop doing it. It doesn’t work. You don’t need to do it anymore. So what you do need to do is focus on natural real English phrases. When you do this, you get free grammar, let me give you a very simple example. So simple. John hates ice cream.

Now of course to hate means to dislike to not like something very strongly. So john hates ice cream. Let’s imagine that hate is a new word for you. Now, in the normal, traditional way of learning, you would find to hate that version of the verb in the back of the chapter or in the chapter of your book and you write down to hate means do not like something. And then you would study that version of the verb. Right? to hate, to hate, to hate. And later, you lean all these complicated rules about how to change that verb in different situations. Right? I hate. He hates with an s and then you learn the past tense in the future and all this stuff. And you try, you have to remember the basic form of the verb to hate. Then you have to remember how to change it. That’s the old way of doing it. And it’s painful, as boring and it doesn’t work because it causes you to be thinking too much when you should be speaking easily and automatically. When you lean a phrase, you just write down the phrase. So first of all, you get your phrase from some natural English, not a textbook, and you write down John hates ice cream. You write down the full phrase always.

You never write down just one word. You never just write down the dictionary form of the word you would not write down to hate. You would write down John hates ice cream. And you might put a note to remind you where that phrase comes from.

See, my put comes from a story you read, where it comes from, something you heard in a movie or whatever it is. It reminds you of the real situation that came from.

Now, when you just study this phrase, John hates ice cream, you never studied just one word. You’re studying the phrase. you’re automatically getting grammar. You don’t need to know about singular plural or you know anything like that. You just will learn actually by learning phrases like this. You always say he hates, she hates, John hates, Mary hates. It will become natural. this is how native speakers learn grammar. That’s how I learned English grammar myself as a child. We don’t study grammar rules and we certainly don’t study vocabulary lists. But what we do learn from our parents, from other people is we just hear natural phrases all the time.

So for me, I naturally feel deeply that if I say John that I’m always gona put an s on their John hates because I heard phrases like that so many times I feel the grammar I don’t need to think about . I feel it because I learned phrases, not individual words, not grammar rules, not from textbooks. This is so simple, but it’s very powerful if you use it correctly, but you must do it all the time.

So never study a single English word again.

Always, always, always when you learn something new, write down the full phrase, even the full sentence. Super important. This is very powerful, but very simple.

Now, here’s the easy way to do it. Go get yourself a small notebook phrase notebook, just a little notebook that you carry around with you all the time on your jacket, put in your backpack. And any time you find a new word in English, maybe something you’re reading, something you’re listening to, doesn’t matter. You’re just gonna write it down in your phrase notebook, but you’re gonna write the whole phrase, hate was a new word for you.

You would not just write down that word, hate you, write down the full phrase, John hates ice cream. Or John hates of tea, but you’re always gonna write down at least three or four words that go with that vocabulary. Vey, vey important,

And then when you learn new words, you just keep adding to it. Then in the future when you review, when you’re studying, when you’re reviewing your vocabulary, you always review the full phrases always, always, always, you never study the individual word, you always, always, always review and study full phrases,

By doing this, you’re gonna learn number one, how to use vocabulary naturally and correctly. Is he sometimes we use certain words in certain situations. There might be another word that means the same thing, but we don’t use it in that situation. How do you know that. there are no rules about that?

The only way that is by studying phrases that you get from real English, by real English I mean not textbooks. Another thing again you get free grammar with this.

There’s gonna be so much grammar and those phrases you don’t need to think about it. It’s just gonna be there naturally a if it’s a natural real correct phrase, the verbs are gonna be correct. The possessive will be there when they need to be

The correct propositions will be in there, you don’t need to think about it or when do I use on and when do I use in when do I use at you don’t need think about that just learn phrases, Eventually you start getting more and more of these phrases.

There’s a lot of repetition and you start to get a feeling for how these things work in English, how the grammar works, how the preposition’s work, when do you use certain vocabulary when do you not? It happens automatically, unconsciously. Meaning you don’t need to think about it all the time. It just feels automatic. This is the way children learn grammar and vocabulary and it’s the way you must also, if you want to speak English easily, automatically effortlessly. So that’s it. Very very simple

A rule number one, our secret number one is always learn and study phrases. Never individual words. All right. This is just secret number one. We’ve got seven of them. When you put them all together, you’re gonna have a completely new way of learning English. You will get fantastic results. Just follow these secrets. Secret number one, always learn phrases, never ever study individual words. See you tomorrow for secret number two. Byebye.