a big hand 一隻大手?


馬上要開學了,家長們又要為孩子的學習操心忙亂了。一個寒假過去,They are getting out of hand 他們幾乎要失控了,回到學校,回到老師身邊,They'll be in safe hands again又有可靠的人來管教他們了,They no longer have a free hand doing whatever they want 不能隨心所欲,他們自然覺得束手束腳,They might have a feeling they have their hands tied 但沒辦法,School is school! 學校就是學校,在老師手裡家長們可以鬆口氣了。Parents could give a big sigh of relief when kids are put into the firm hands of their teachers。

家長往往管不好自己的孩子,何也?太嬌寵,太溺愛了!因為是親生的,狠不下心,下不了手啊!不管家務多忙,也不會讓孩子搭把手。Even you've your hands full with housework, you don't want your kids giving you a hand and getting their hands dirty. 他們對家長的心思也洞若觀火,They know too well what you think. They know it like the back of their hands. 他們知道,即使闖了禍,犯了錯,就算被抓了現行,爹媽也不能把他們怎麼樣,Parents will let them go even when they are caught red handed.

嬌寵溺愛往往讓他們有恃無恐,培養不出優秀的孩子。Children should be handled with an iron hand in a velvet glove。應該軟硬兼施,兩手都要硬,用革命的兩手,對付“反革命”的兩手。只有這樣,你才能在與這幫熊孩子的戰爭中立於不敗之地。You could gain the upper hand in the "battle" with your kids.




You can make money hand over fist if you are a good learner.

You'll live from hand to mouth if you are not.

回到標題。a big hand當然是一隻大手,但give me a big hand卻不是給我一隻大手的意思,而是“給我雷鳴般的掌聲”。

Thank you for giving me a big hand.