










<code> /** * 方式一 使用自帶的查詢 * 主要涉及對象 Criteria 和 Example * @date 2020-05-07 * @param account * @return */ default List getUserInfoByParam(String account){ Example example = new Example(UserInfo.class); Example.Criteria criteria =example.createCriteria(); if(StringUtils.isEmpty(account)){ criteria.andEqualTo("account",account); } return selectByExample(example); }/<code>


<code>/** * 方式二 和 mybatis 一致 * 步驟: * (1)需要配置xml * (2)在配置文件中指定xml 路徑 * @param account */ UserInfo getUserInfoByAccount(@Param("account") String account);/<code>

注:添加xml 文件,application指定路徑。


<code> /** * 方式三 * 直接使用內置方法 * @param uid * @return */ @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED,rollbackFor = Exception.class,timeout = 10) @Override public UserInfo getUserInfo(Long uid) { return userInfoMapper.selectByPrimaryKey(uid); }/<code>



<code>/** * 封裝自己的 MyBaseMapper * @param */ public interface MyBaseMapper extends Mapper, MySqlMapper { }/<code>


<code> @tk.mybatis.mapper.annotation.RegisterMapper public interface SQLMapper { @Select(" ") T executeSQL(@Param("sql") String sql); public default T execute(String relationWhere, Weekend... weekendList) { String sql = null; try { SQLMapperProvider provider = new SQLMapperProvider(); sql = provider.getSelectSQL(relationWhere, weekendList); }catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(sql)) { return executeSQL(sql); } return null; } }/<code>


<code>/** * note:映射script * @ExampleProvider */ public class SQLMapperProvider { /** * note:多表關聯查詢方法 * @param relationWhere 關聯表間的條件 * @param weekendList 查詢對象集 * @return */ public String getSelectSQL(String relationWhere, Weekend... weekendList) { List tableList = new ArrayList(); List whereList = new ArrayList(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT "); if(weekendList[0].isDistinct()) { sql.append("distinct "); } for (int i = 0; i < weekendList.length; i++) { EntityTable entityTable = EntityHelper.getEntityTable(weekendList[i].getEntityClass()); if(!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(entityTable)) { // 條 if (i > 0) { sql.append(","); } String columnSQL = EntityHelper.getSelectColumns(weekendList[i].getEntityClass()); String[] columns = columnSQL.split(","); // 段 for (int num = 0; num < columns.length; num++) { if (num > 0) { sql.append(","); } sql.append(entityTable.getName() + "." + columns[num]); } // where if(!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(weekendList[i].getOredCriteria())) { whereList.add(weekendList[i].getOredCriteria() .stream().map(criteriaList->criteriaList.getCriteria() .stream().map( criteria -> entityTable.getName() + "." + criteria.getCondition() + ((criteria.getValue() instanceof String)?"'"+criteria.getValue()+"'":criteria.getValue()) ) .collect(Collectors.joining(" and ")) ).collect(Collectors.joining(" and "))); } tableList.add(entityTable); } } sql.append(" FROM " + tableList.stream().map(table -> table.getName()).collect(Collectors.joining(","))); // condition // sql.append(SqlHelper.exampleWhereClause()); 兼容count翻頁問題 String where = ""; if(!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(whereList)) { where = whereList.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(" and ")); } if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(where) || !StringUtils.isEmpty(relationWhere)) { sql.append(" WHERE "); if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(where)) { sql.append(where); if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(relationWhere)) { sql.append(" and "); } } if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(relationWhere)) { sql.append(relationWhere); } } // order sql.append(SqlHelper.orderByDefault(weekendList[0].getEntityClass())); return sql.toString(); } }/<code>


<code>/** * Service接口類 * @date 2020-05-07 */ public interface BaseInterfaceService { Boolean create(T entity); Boolean updateById(T entity); T get(T entity); T getById(T id); int count(T entity); List list(T entity, int pageNum, int pageSize); List listAll(); Boolean deleteById(T id); } /<code>


<code>/** * note:Service基礎類 * */ public abstract class MyBaseService { @Autowired(required = false) protected MyBaseMapper mapper; public Boolean create(T entity) { int count = this.mapper.insertSelective(entity); return count == 0? false: true; } }/<code>

2.2.6、封裝業務ServiceTemlate 添加業務層監控

<code>Slf4j public abstract class ServiceTemplate { protected String monitorKey; protected ServiceTemplate(String monitorKey) { this.monitorKey = monitorKey; } protected ServiceTemplate(String monitoryKey, String monitorType) { this.monitorKey = monitoryKey; } /** * AOP統一記監控 */ protected ServiceTemplate() { } protected abstract void checkParams(); protected abstract T process(); protected void afterProcess() { } protected void onSuccess() { } protected void onServiceException(Exception e) { log.warn("執行邏輯異常 monitoryKey={}, msg={}", monitorKey, e.getMessage(), e); throw new ServiceException(e.getMessage()); } protected void onServiceCodeException(ServiceException e) { log.warn("執行邏輯異常 monitoryKey={}, code={}, msg={}", monitorKey, e.getCode(), e.getMsg(), e); throw e; } protected void onError(Throwable e) { log.error("執行邏輯異常 monitoryKey={}", monitorKey, e); throw new ServiceException(RespCode.SYSTEM_ERROR.getErrorCode(), RespCode.SYSTEM_ERROR.getErrorMsg()); } public T execute() { if (monitorKey==null || monitorKey.equals("")) { return doExecute(); } else { // TODO Monitor return doExecute(); } } protected T doExecute() { try { checkParams(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("校驗參數失敗", e); } else { log.info("校驗參數失敗: " + e.getMessage()); } throw new ServiceException(RespCode.COMMON_PARAM_ERROR.getErrorCode(), RespCode.COMMON_PARAM_ERROR.getErrorMsg() + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (ServiceException e) { log.error("校驗參數失敗:" + e.getMsg()); throw e; } try { T result = process(); onSuccess(); return result; } catch (ServiceException e) { onServiceCodeException(e); return null; } catch (Throwable e) { onError(e); return null; } finally { afterProcess(); } } }/<code>


<code>/** * 業務層 * 2020-05-06 * */ @Service public class UserInfoServiceImpl extends BaseService implements UserInfoService { @Autowired(required = false) private UserInfoMapper userInfoMapper; @Override public boolean updateUserInfo(UserInfo userInfo){ Integer update = userInfoMapper.updateUserInfo(userInfo.getAccount(), userInfo.getUserName(), userInfo.getPhone(), userInfo.getUid()); return update > 0; }/<code>


<code>/** * 接入 tk-mybatis * */ @org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper public interface UserInfoMapper extends MyBaseMapper { default Integer updateUserInfo(String account,String userName,String phone,Long uid){ StringBuffer sqlSb = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer whereSB = new StringBuffer(); sqlSb.append("account = "+account+","); sqlSb.append("username = "+userName+","); sqlSb.append("phone = "+phone+","); whereSB.append("where uid = "+uid); sqlSb.append(whereSB.toString()); return update(sqlSb.toString()); } @Update("update user_info set ${sql}") Integer update(@Param("sql") String sql);/<code>



<code> org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-data-redis com.alicp.jetcache jetcache-starter-redis 2.5.13 /<code>


<code>#緩存設置 jetcache: statIntervalMinutes: 15 areaInCacheName: false remote: default: type: redis keyConvertor: fastjson valueEncoder: kryo valueDecoder: kryo poolConfig: minIdle: 5 maxIdle: 20 maxTotal: 50 database: 1 #jetcache使用 redis: database: 0 host: port: 6379 password: qwe123456 lettuce: pool: max-idle: 10 min-idle: 0 max-wait-millis: 1000 max-total: 20/<code>


<code>import com.alicp.jetcache.anno.Cached; import com.cloud.user.entity.UserInfo; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public interface UserInfoService { /** * 緩存用戶信息 * @param uid * @return */ @Cached(expire = 10,timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) UserInfo getUserInfo(Long uid);/<code>


<code>#-----------mybatis-plus---------------- # mybatis-plus 支持熱加載 。 # mybatis-plus內置代碼生成器。 # mybatis-plus內置分頁插件。 # mybatis-plus內置性能解析插件 對於update delete 有隻能分析阻斷策略。 # mybatis-plus內置sql注入剝離器 ,防止sql注入攻擊。 #-----------tk-mybatis---------------- # tk-mybatis 自帶樂觀鎖 # tk-mybatis 支持pagehelper/<code>