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Remarks by BFA Secretary General Mr. Li Baodong

at the Launch of the BFA 2020 Flagship Report

& Symposium on Asian Development Prospects

and Challenges under the Pandemic

(Full Text)

At the beginning of the event, BFA Secretary General Mr. Li Baodong expressed his gratitude towards BFA Vice Chairman Mr. Zhou Xiaochuan, BFA Director and Former Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Wong Kan Seng for their guidance on the work of the BFA. He then thanked heads of the IMF, IDB and other international organizations, the ambassadors of EU and the Kingdom of Thailand, representatives from the BFA host country government, BFA members, industry, academia and media to attend this event online.

As pointed out by Mr. Li Baodong, the sudden outbreak of the coronavirus has caught the world off guard, taking a heavy toll on society and the economy, and the world is facing the worst economic downturn since the great depression. Worsening food shortage, production shutdowns and increasing unemployment may have severe impacts on society and politics in many countries around the world. This moment called for solidarity and global leadership. We applaud the G20 special summit for taking measures to address the challenges of the pandemic through enhanced international cooperation.

Mr. Li Baodong mentioned that, as the engine for global economic growth, Asia is facing unprecedented challenges due to disruptions in flows of trade, investment and people amid the outbreak of the coronavirus. Whether Asia economies can recover quickly? Would regional economic integration continue? What role could Asia play in shaping a post-pandemic world order? These are inviting questions for all of us.

Mr. Li Baodong said that bearing these questions in mind, the BFA undertook research and studies, which led to the production of six flagship reports, covering the areas of economic outlook and integration, health, financial development, regional trade agreements, technological innovation, and poverty reduction and development. The latter five reports will be published in succession with other major events of the BFA, such as the Global Health Forum which is scheduled to be held in Qingdao, the Global Economy Development and Security Forum in Zhuhai, and the Technology and Innovation Forum in Macau.

Mr. Li Baodong emphasized that, strengthening dialogue and cooperation for the development of Asia is the mission for the Boao Forum for Asia. The purpose of this event is to bring together leaders and experts of politics, business, academic, and the media communities and civil societies from around the world, in the hope that the discussion can provide inspirations for joint efforts in creating conditions for quick and sound recovery in Asia and the World.

Mr. Li Baodong presented the hard-copies of the Chinese and English versions of the Asian Economic Outlook and Integration Progress 2020 report to all guests and audiences and referred to the Report’s discussions regarding the potential opportunities and challenges for Asia to restore growth momentum and achieve sustainable recovery. Mr. Li emphasized that strengthened cooperation is essential, in pandemic prevention and policy coordination, to establish an inclusive and sustainable community with the shared future for mankind.

By closing the event, Mr. Li stressed that, amid the global pandemic, the poor and the refugees are the most vulnerable group of all and they deserve special attention from the international community. Although difficult, all countries need to strike the right balance between virus containment and reopening the economy. International cooperation is an essential path to achieving these goals. Finger pointing and politicization will only divide the international community and put the international joint efforts in jeopardy.

Mr. Li thanked the participation and contribution by all guests again and reiterated that the BFA is committed to facilitating dialogues among all stakeholders, for the successful battle against the COVID-19 pandemic and promote the realization of a sustainable recovery in Asian and beyond.