
AI Will Help Scientists Ask More Powerful Questions


●AI (artificial intelligence)人工智能

Scientific advances over the last several centuries(定語) have not only resulted in a greater understanding of the universe; they’ve raised the standard of living for many people across the globe. However, there are still massive challenges we’re ill equipped to meet, as evidenced(已經證明) by climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, which have shown that we are yet(還沒有) to understand the complexity of nature. In order to address(解決,處理) the scale of problems now facing humanity, radical(根本的) solutions are needed—and scientific breakthroughs will be central to this process.

●result in 導致;引起;

●massive adj.(尺寸、數量、規模)非常大的;

Their house is massive. 他們的房子非常大。

a massive increase in spending 開支的大幅度增加;

●be ill equipped to 沒有準備好做…;

They were ill equipped to deal with the situation.


●COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019)2019 年冠狀病毒疾病;

●yet to do something 還沒做某事;

yet to come 還沒來;

●complexity n.複雜;複雜性;

complex adj.複雜的;

●address vt.解決;處理;

Your essay does not address the real issues.


●humanity n.(統稱)人;人類;

crimes against humanity 反人類罪;

●breakthrough n.重大進展;突破;

to achieve a breakthrough 取得突破性進展;

參考譯文:過去幾個世紀的科學進步不僅加深了人們對宇宙的瞭解,還提高了全 球許多人的生活水平。然而,仍有大量的挑戰我們還未準備好去應對, 氣候變化和這次的新冠疫情就證明了這一點,這些事情表明我們還沒 有理解大自然的複雜性。為了解決人類目前面臨的問題,我們需要根 本的解決方案,而科學上的突破將是這一過程的核心。

Artificial intelligence promises(使很可能) to accelerate fundamental discoveries by deepening(加深) the nature(本質) of questions researchers can ask. In his visionary(遠見的) essay “As We May Think,” published in 1945, the prominent(重要的,著名的) American engineer and science advocate Vannevar Bush predicted that people would soon need to rely on external devices to augment their minds.

●promise vi.使很可能;

It promises to be an exciting few days.

那很可能是令人 興奮的幾天。

●deepen vt.(使)變深;加深;

The water deepened gradually. 水漸漸變深了。

blacken vt.使變黑;

weaken vt.使虛弱;

●visionary adj.有遠見的;

a visionary leader 有遠見的領袖;

planetary adj.行星的;

●prominent adj.重要的;著名的;

She was prominent in the fashion industry. 她曾在時裝 界名噪一時。

●augment vt.增加;提高;擴大;

She tried to augment her own income. 她試圖增加自己的收入。

參考譯文:人工智能有望通過深挖研究人員能提出的問題的本質,加快產生重大 發現。美國著名工程師和科學倡導者範內瓦·布什在 1945 年發表的一 篇富有遠見的文章《誠如所思》中預測,人們將很快需要依靠外部設 備來增強思維。

His prescient(先見之明的) observation rings truer(給人以真實印象的) than ever: one of the challenges of modern science is to make sense of the vast amount of information we’ve gathered about the world. Given the scale of data generated by science— from the Large Hadron Collider to massive genome projects—it’s impossible for any individual person to parse(解析) it all. AI stands to help us turn this abundance of information into understanding—enabling us to ask questions that would be intractable for individuals to solve.

●prescient adj.預知的;有先見之明的;

●ring true 給人以真實的印象;

It may seem a strange story but it rings true to me.


●make sense 有意義;言之有理;

This sentence doesn't make sense. 這句話沒有意義。

●given prep.考慮到;

Given his age, he's very active.


●generate vt.產生;

●genome n.基因組;

●parse vt.解析;

●enable vt.使能夠;

The new test should enable doctors to detect the disease early.


allow vt.允許;

●intractable adj.很難處理的;

參考譯文:他的先見之明比以往任何時候都更有說服力:現代科學的挑戰之一, 就是讓我們收集到的有關世界的大量信息變得有意義。考慮到科學產 生的大量數據——從大型強子對撞機到大規模基因組計劃——任何 個人都不可能將其全部解析。人工智能能夠幫助我們將這大量的信息 轉化為人類能理解的知識——使我們能夠提出對個人來說難以解決 的問題。