
嘿嘿~ 終於等到你啦,瀏覽之前可以點擊上面的音樂放鬆一下!

Life is subtraction, not tomorrow.


After the desolation of life, we can arrive at the bustling heart.

經過人生的荒涼,才能抵達內心的繁華 。

Don’t rashly believe in people’s promises- that way others won’t disappoint me. Don’t rashly make promises – that way I won’t disappoint others.


In reality, the upgraded version of a friend is a lover, and the advanced version of a lover is a stranger.


Meng Po, another bowl. Girl, you've had several bowls already. But he is still there.

孟婆,再來一碗。 姑娘,你已經喝了好幾碗了。 可他還在。

While you hate your current state of life, you idle away every day.


I want to collude with you, like a child, believe that good love is fate.


I want to collude with you, like a child, agreed that the sweetness of this life is doomed.


|| 我想收集10000條美句、10000張美圖、10000首好歌送給可愛的的你!
