
NO.1 “I can accept failure, but I can't acceptnot trying.”—— by Michael Jordan   “我可以接受失敗,但我不能接受放棄。”——邁克爾•喬丹   

NO.2   “Even if the world abandonedme, but I also accompany Basketball.”­——by Kobe Bryant   “即便這個世界拋棄了我,可是還有籃球陪伴。”——科比•布萊恩特   

NO.3   “There is a lot of pressureput on me, but I don"t put a lot of pressure on myself. I feel if I playmy game, it will take care of itself.”——by Lebron James   “總是有人給我製造很多壓力,但我不給自己製造壓力。我覺得只要我開始打比賽後,它們就會自生自滅。”——勒布朗•詹姆斯  


NO.4   “If you're absent

from mystruggle,then ,don't be present for my success.”——by Dwyane Wade   “如果你沒經歷過我的失敗,那麼,也不要分享我的成功。”——德維恩•韋德  

NO.5   “They can not break me .The only way to break me is to kill me,and everything that does not kill memakes me stronger.”——by Allen Iverson   “他們不可能打倒我,除非殺了我,而任何不能殺了我的就只會令我更堅強。”——阿倫•艾弗森   

NO.6   “Basketball, maybe youthink this is just a sport, but I regard it as the air what I breathe everyday, this is the meaning of basketball — the basketball is life.”——by Kevin Garnett   “籃球,也許你認為這只是一場運動,但我把它當成空氣,我每天的呼吸都要靠它,這就是籃球的意義—籃球就是生命!”——凱文•加內特   

NO.7   “I think no matter where you are, the people who are not open todistinguish color, but the talent and the sweat you flowing.”——by Steve Nash   “我認為無論在什麼地方,把人和人區別開來的都不是膚色,而是天賦和你流過的汗水。”——史蒂夫•納什   

NO.8   “My name is Tracy, this is not just a name, and I hope that one dayit could be a sign the NBA, a legend, this may be a distant dream, but I amconvinced that he promising to realize this dream and make unremitting effortspower.”——by Tracy Macgrady   “我叫特雷西,這不僅僅只是一個名字,我希望有朝一日它也能成為NBA的一個標誌,一段傳奇,這或許是一個遙不可及的夢想,但我堅信自己有為實現這個夢想而不懈奮鬥的動力。”——特雷西•麥克格雷   

NO.9   “If one day I had to crawl to leave the stadium, I would never let mego carried away, no one can, I carried her out, never have.”——by Alonzo Mourning   “假如有一天我必須爬著離開球場,我也絕對不會讓人把我抬出去,沒有人能把我抬出去,永遠也不可能。”——阿隆佐•莫寧

NO.10   “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard. ”——by Kevin Durant   “不以天賦而自矜的天才終將成為傳奇。” ——凱文•杜蘭特 a("content_body");