
Trump starts new coronavirus feud with Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan


April 21, 2020


WASHINGTON — President Trump has started feuds with several governors during the coronavirus response, with diatribes against Jay Inslee of Washington, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and J.B. Pritzker of Illinois complicating calls for national unity and bipartisanship. Even New York’s Andrew Cuomo, usually the recipient of the president’s praise, has come in for the occasional brushback.

華盛頓——在應對冠狀病毒期間,特朗普總統已經與幾位州長開始了爭執,他對華盛頓的傑伊·英斯利(Jay Inslee)、密歇根州的格雷琴·惠特默(Gretchen Whitmer)和伊利諾伊州的j·b·普利茨克(J.B. Pritzker)進行了謾罵,這使得呼籲國家團結和兩黨合作的呼聲更加複雜。即便是經常受到總統讚揚的紐約人安德魯•科莫(Andrew Cuomo),也偶爾會遭到冷遇。

Monday presented Trump with a new target: Larry Hogan of Maryland. The target is noteworthy because, unlike the other governors whom Trump has attacked, Hogan is a Republican, albeit one with no evident loyalty to Trump (last year, he even considered a presidential primary challenge).

週一,特朗普迎來了一個新目標:馬里蘭州的拉里·霍根(Larry Hogan)。這個目標值得注意,因為與特朗普攻擊過的其他州長不同,霍根是共和黨人,儘管他對特朗普沒有明顯的忠誠(去年,他甚至考慮過在總統初選中挑戰特朗普)。

Hogan has received near-unanimous praise for recognizing and responding to the threat of the coronavirus. But the president is apparently unimpressed. In describing a call with governors that Vice President Mike Pence presided over earlier in the day, Trump singled out Hogan, effectively depicting him as clueless.

霍根因為認識到冠狀病毒的威脅並採取應對措施而獲得了近乎一致的讚譽。但總統顯然不以為然。當天早些時候,副總統邁克·彭斯(Mike Pence)主持了與州長們的通話。特朗普在描述通話內容時,特別提到了霍根,實際上是把他描繪成一個無能的人。

“The governor of Maryland didn’t really understand. He didn’t really understand what was going on,” Trump said, alleging that Hogan was unaware of all the coronavirus testing sites in his own state. That list of testing sites was emailed by his administration to governors.


More broadly, Trump was clearly on the defensive about a persistent testing shortfall that may frustrate the president’s plans to reopen the American economy, which has been under lockdown for weeks.


Hogan appeared on CNN just a few minutes later to rebut Trump’s charge that he was somehow confused about testing. “I have a pretty good understanding of what’s going on and I appreciate the information that was provided by his team,” Hogan told anchor Wolf Blitzer.


Speaking of the list of testing facilities, Hogan said that “most of the ones they sent me in Maryland were all federal facilities, including NIH and FDA and Walter Reed and Fort Detrick,” using acronyms for the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration.

說到檢測機構的名單,霍根說,“他們在馬里蘭州發給我的大部分都是聯邦機構,包括國立衛生研究院(NIH)和食品和藥物管理局(FDA),以及沃爾特里德醫院(Walter Reed)和德特里克堡醫院(Fort Detrick)”,這些機構都是美國國家衛生研究院(National Institutes of Health)和美國食品和藥物管理局(Food and Drug Administration)的縮寫。

Walter Reed is a military medical center, while Fort Detrick is home to the military’s biological defense program. Presumably, neither site would be accessible to members of the public seeking a coronavirus test.


Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan. (Susan Walsh/AP)


“I’m not sure what he was trying to say,” the second-term governor added.


A month ago, Hogan, along with the governor of Virginia and the mayor of Washington, D.C., asked for a federal test site in their region. They were told, according to Hogan spokesman Mike Ricci, that “it was on the states.” (At one point during Monday’s briefing, Vice President Mike Pence seemed to say that any site that could conduct coronavirus tests would do so; he referenced the federal sites in Maryland, but did not offer details about how they would make the necessary accommodations.)

一個月前,霍根與弗吉尼亞州州長和華盛頓特區市長一道,要求在他們的地區建立一個聯邦試驗場。據Hogan的發言人麥克·裡奇(Mike Ricci)說,他們被告知,“這是美國的責任”。(在週一的新聞發佈會上,副總統邁克·彭斯(Mike Pence)一度似乎表示,任何能夠進行冠狀病毒測試的網站都會這樣做;他參考了馬里蘭州的聯邦政府網站,但沒有提供如何提供必要的住宿條件的細節。

In recent days, Trump has vacillated between declaring that he has “total” authority to declare lockdown orders lifted and telling governors that it was their responsibility to meet the benchmarks for state-specific reopenings to begin. Among those conditions is a “[d]ownward trajectory of positive tests as a percent of total tests within a 14-day period.”


To meet that goal, states must have the capacity to test hundreds of thousands of people. Trump and his coronavirus task force response coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx, have said that states have enough testing, but some governors have disagreed with that assertion.


Trump may also have been irked by the favorable publicity Hogan received for personally negotiating with South Korean companies to purchase 500,000 coronavirus tests. Hogan’s wife, Yumi, who was born in South Korea, took part in the negotiations. The Hogans were on hand as the shipment arrived in Baltimore on Saturday.


Speaking during the Monday briefing, Adm. Brett Giroir, whom the White House has put in charge of the testing issue, also criticized Hogan. “I don’t know what the governor of Maryland is doing in South Korea,” he said. A few moments later, Trump returned to the podium to say that instead of purchasing test kits from South Korea, it would have been better for the governor to acquire “a little knowledge.”

在週一的新聞發佈會上,白宮任命負責朝鮮核試驗問題的佈雷特·吉羅瓦上將(Brett Giroir)也對霍根提出了批評。“我不知道馬里蘭州州長在韓國做什麼,”他說。過了一會兒,特朗普回到講臺上說,與其從韓國購買試劑盒,不如讓這位州長獲得“一點知識”。

But as Hogan pointed out during a press conference earlier on Monday, his outreach to South Korea was a consequence of a White House directive. “The administration made it clear over and over again they want the states to take the lead,” Hogan said, “and we have to go out and do it ourselves — and that's exactly what we did,” He explained that the negotiations with South Korea, led by him and Yumi Hogan, involved hours-long phone calls for 22 consecutive nights.
