建築每日一例——寒冷外表下的溫暖:Bodø Town Hall by ALL

丹麥建築事務所ALL(Atelier Lorentzen Langkilde),在極圈以北為挪威的直轄市Bodø打造了一棟全新的現代化市政大廳。Bodø坐落在極圈以北的一座半島,被遼闊的山脈和冰冷的挪威海環繞。在市中心,經過改造和擴建的舊市政廳成為了一座可容納400名員工的標誌性建築。

Just north of the polar circle, Danish studio ALL (Atelier Lorentzen Langkilde) has designed a contemporary city hall for the municipality of Bodø, Norway. Bodø, Norway is situated on a peninsula north of the polar circle. The city is bounded by mountains and the harsh Norwegian Sea. In the city center, the old city hall has been transformed and extended with a new iconic building to a 12,000 ㎡ modern workspace for 400 employees.

▼遠眺建築,overview ©Adam Mørk


▼街道視角下的市政廳,town halls from the street view ©Adam Mørk

The 12,000 m2 City Hall consists of a new building and the transformation and linking of two existing, preserved buildings. The new town hall unites the three buildings into one flexible plan. The landscape around the city hall consists of beautifully shaped public areas and squares with seating. These are covered in natural stone.

▼新建築建於舊銀行與舊市政廳旁之間,the new building was built between the old bank and the old town hall ©ALL

場地上現有的建築是帶棕色石膏立面的老市政廳和覆蓋著豐富天然石紋的舊國家銀行。這兩個立面均被保留下來,和用於新建築外牆的棕褐色Jura Gelb石材一起創造出新與舊的和諧統一。新立面的顏色類似於老市政廳,而圖案則與舊國家銀行一致。新的多面立面是一個模塊化的系統,具有水平、垂直和對角線,形成了一個兼具整體和細節的獨特體量。

▼帶棕色石膏立面的老市政廳,the old city hall with its brown plaster facade ©Adam Mørk

The existing buildings on the site are the old city hall, with a brown plaster façade, and the old national bank, clad in a richly patterned natural stone. Both facades are preserved. The new building is shaped with sloping facades mirroring the roofs of the existing buildings. This creates a unity between old and new which is further emphasized with the brownish Jura Gelb stone used for the facade of the new building. The color resembles the color of the old city hall while the stone pattern resembles that of the national bank facade. The new, faceted façade is a modular system with horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines that create a singular volume as a whole and in detail.

▼新市政大廳概覽,an overview of the new town hall ©Adam Mørk


▼呈水晶石狀的體量,the volume is in the shape of crystal ©Adam Mørk

The new city hall is a crystalline stone volume, with facades that slope towards the lower, existing buildings. The angles of the façade are drawn from the existing rooflines. This unique faceted facade geometry catches the dramatic changing light conditions north of the polar circle.

▼立面細部,details of the facades ©Adam Mørk


▼中庭將三棟建築無縫連接,the atrium connects the three buildings seamlessly ©ALL

The new building is a keystone linking and transforming the flow of the existing buildings to create a flexible, circular flow around a tall and dramatic atrium. This atriums acts as The Citizens’ Forum. The Citizens’ Forum is a public square with meeting rooms and public services.

▼從廣場看向中庭入口,view from the square to the atrium entrance ©Adam Mørk


The atrium around which the workspaces wrap recalls a Piranesi drawing, with the staggered balconies, setback atrium fronts, varied floor heights, and a vertiginous art piece,“Poem for the Bureaucracy”, by the artist: Per Kristian Nygård, mounted on the wall and spanning the full height of the atrium.

▼寬敞開闊的中庭空間,spacious open atrium space ©Adam Mørk

▼安裝在整面高牆上的精美藝術品“官僚主義之詩”,a vertiginous art piece,“Poem for the Bureaucracy” ©Adam Mørk

▼俯瞰中庭,aerial view ©Adam Mørk

▼仰視中庭,look up ©Adam Mørk


The interior is lined with light ash wood, both on the walls and ceilings. The uniform wooden lining creates a warm, Scandinavian home-like feeling and is combined with an office layout based on new ways of working.

▼統一的木質襯裡營造出溫馨的工作氛圍,the uniform wood lining creates a warm working atmosphere ©Adam Mørk

▼室內的牆壁和天花板都選用淺灰木材來裝飾,the interior walls and ceilings are decorated with light grey wood ©Adam Mørk


Workspaces extend up five floors in connection with the atrium. There is a canteen on the 6th and top floor with magnificent views towards the surrounding ocean and mountains.

▼位於六樓的食堂,the canteen is located on the sixth floor ©Adam Mørk

▼從頂層欣賞周圍的壯麗景色,the view from the top is magnificent ©Adam Mørk

▼平面圖,plan ©ALL

▼剖面圖,section ©ALL

Program: Town Hall, Public, Culture, Office, TransformationLocation: Bodø, Norway
Client: Bodø Municipalicy
Size: 12.000 sq.m.
Status: Completion 2019,
Type: 1st prize – open international competition
Photo: Adam Mørk
