
Immigration Answers Q's About Entering China during Quarantine


Liu Haitao, Director of the Border Inspection Department of the National Immigration Administration, responded to entry-exit related questions from the media at a press conference on March 30 following news of foreign residents unable to enter China, even with a valid residence permit, effective as of March 28.


Q: How can foreign travelers and residents who imperatively need to come to China enter the country?


As of now, foreign residents holding a valid visa or residence permit, as well as travelers holding an APEC business travel card, are denied entry into China.

China has also ordered the temporary suspension of “port visas”, including:



24, 72, and 144-hour transit visa exemptions;


Hainan entry visa exemption;


Shanghai cruise ship visa exemption;


144-hour visa exemption for foreign travelers from Hong Kong and Macau;


ASEAN tour group entry in Guangxi province.


Anyone holding a diplomatic, official or courtesy visa, as well as C-visas issued mainly to drivers and pilots on inbound and outbound transport, are not affected by the recent regulations.


In the event that foreign travelers must enter the country to engage in activities related to commerce, trade, science and technology, or any health-related work with regards to our fight against the ongoing pandemic, will need to visit the Chinese consulate in their place of residence abroad and apply for a new visa there.

The National Immigration Administration continues to work closely with the Foreign Ministry to adapt its policies based on the evolution of the current virus outbreak.

如果外國遊客必須進入該國從事與商業,貿易,科學和技術有關的活動,或者與我們抗擊持續的大流行有關的任何健康相關工作,則需要前往中國領事館 在國外居住並在那裡申請新簽證。


Q: Four travelers from overseas were recently barred from entering Beijing at the airport for violating quarantine protocols. What is the National Immigration Administration doing to enforce these rules and effectively control the inflow of people wanting to enter China without permission?


A lot of what a person can and cannot do when it comes to coming in and out of China revolves around their travel record. If a mainland resident wishes to leave the country, customs officers will check whether this person has entered China in the last 14 days from overseas. If so, they will be prohibited from leaving as per regulations.


If a foreign traveler wishes to leave China before their quarantine period of 14 days is over, they may face legal consequences, including potential deportation, and will be prohibited from re-entering China for a certain period of time.


As such, it is crucial for everyone to work together and comply with regulations so we may win our fight against this outbreak as quickly and effectively as possible. Going against the law will only make matters worse.

因此,每個人共同努力並遵守法規至關重要,因此我們可能會盡快有效地贏得這場疾病爆發的鬥爭。 違法只會使事情變得更糟。