




Activity, measured by “visits and length of stay,” is up 12% at residential locations, while it’s down 47% at retail and recreation sites such as malls, museums, and restaurants. It’s also down 22% at grocery and pharmacy retailers, and down a whopping 51% at transit stations.


The shifts are relative to a baseline measured between January 3 and February 6. The percent changes in the report were based on visits as recently as last Sunday.


Interestingly, while all states saw a decline in activity at most nonresidential categories, including retail and recreation, transit stations, pharmacy and grocery, and workplaces, they were divided on the use of one type of location—parks.

很多州的人去公园的少了(纽约的公园活动量减少了47%,得克萨斯州减少了27%,内华达州减少了38%),但数据显示其他州去公园的人增加了:北达科他州的公园活动量增加了73%,犹他州增加了26%,南达科他州和俄亥俄州增加了一倍多,增长率分别为126% 和117%。

Many states saw a decline in park activity (numbers were down 47% in New York, 27% in Texas, and 38% in Nevada), but others, according to the data, saw a rise in park use: North Dakota park activity was up 73%, Utah saw a rise of 26%, and park activity in South Dakota and Ohio more than doubled, increasing by 126% and 117%, respectively.

