學樂小記者對話The BabySitters Club小演員

1986年,《Kristy’s Great Idea》by Ann M. Martin在美国各地的书店里大行其道。这其实只是这一系列中的第一部,讲述的是中学生在虚构的康涅狄格州斯通布鲁克镇开始自己的保姆生意。

由Scholastic出版的《The Baby-Sitters Club》深受年轻读者的欢迎,后来又增加了《Little Sisters》系列和由雷娜·泰尔格迈尔和盖尔·加利根改编的漫画小说。如今,这些书已被翻译成近20种语言,印刷量达1.8亿册。


The contemporary setting of the Netflix show includes the “iconic” landline from the 20th century.

《The Baby-Sitters Club》新的电视剧重温了20世纪的Stonebrook学校,在剧中,这些中学生仍然使用老式的固定电话来获取他们的订单。

Scholastic 5位小记者与在剧中有着优异表现的5位演员通过Zoom分别进行了对话。



Kid Reporter Laura Zhang:What did you enjoy the most about playing Kristy Thomas on the Netflix series?

学乐小记者:在剧中您扮演Kristy Thomas这个人物,你最喜欢的是什么?

Sophie Grace:My favorite thing about Kristy is what a strong and independent woman she is and how she was able to show that you don’t really need anyone else, but it’s always nice to have your friends and your family around.

我最喜欢的是Kristy Thomas是一个坚强独立的女孩,家人和朋友在身边是多么幸福的事,但她总是表现出不她需要任何人的样子。

“I’m really happy that this is who the cast was because these girls are who I clicked with,” says Sophie Grace (right), who plays Kristy Thomas.

扮演Kristy Thomas的Sophie Grace(右)说:“我真的喜欢我们的演员阵容,因为我和她们很合拍。”。


Kid Reporter Liset Zacker: How were you able to adapt the character of Stacey McGill to bring in some of your own personality?

学乐小记者Liset Zackmatcher:你是如何让Stacey McGill的角色与你自己的性格的相融合的?

Shay Rudolph:It never really felt like I was acting because these girls truly are my best friends. So it was super natural for me to just bring my own personality into the scene. It helped to relate to Stacey in as many ways as I could find. Maybe it was the fashion that I related to, or how she cares about her friends so much. Just finding those little bits and pieces in her character that I find in myself, too, was a great way to bring myself into the scene.



Kid Reporter Zhorie’l Tapo: What are some of the ways the Netflix show differs from the book series by Ann M. Martin.

学乐小记者Zhorie'l Tapo:你觉得《Baby-Bitters》的电视剧与Ann M. Martin的原著小说什么不同?

Malia Baker: The TV show definitely is more contemporary than the book series. As you can see, we have a bit more diversity than the original books. I think that the portrayal of Mary Anne as being a Black girl and Dawn as being a Latina girl is so important because representation really does matter. Because of the setting, we have some cell phones on set, but of course the iconic babysitters phone is still there. We also have some new family issues and topics that I think people will relate to.

这部电视剧绝对比小说更现代一些。正如你所看到的,我们比原著更具有多样性。我认为把Mary Anne的人物肖像设定成一个黑人女孩,而把Dawn设定成一个拉丁裔女孩是相当重要的,因为人物的代表性确实很重要。同时由于布景设定的关系,我们在片场里也会有一些手机,当然标志性的保姆电话也在。我们也有一些新的家庭问题和话题,我认为我人们生活中一定会有相关的问题。


The babysitters hold their club meetings in Claudia’s bedroom, which is filled with her artwork.


Kid Reporter Claire Olivia Handler: What qualities do you admire most about Claudia Kishi, the character you play?

学乐小记者Claire Olivia Handler:你最欣赏你扮演的角色Claudia Kishi的哪些品质?

Momona Tamada: I admire so many things about her. Growing up reading about her was such a big inspiration. But I would say how she’s so bold, and she will do anything for her friends and the people she loves. She doesn’t really think about it. Well, she does think about it, but she’ll just do whatever is needed, which is something that I’ve always been afraid to do. She has been an inspiration.



Kid Reporter Alula Alderson: What was your favorite part about playing babysitter Dawn Schafer?

学乐小记者Alula Alderson:你扮演Dawn Schafer一角的过程中最喜欢哪一部分?

Xochitl Gomez: There is literally nothing I hate about playing Dawn. My favorite thing would probably be that she’s so cool and that she’s strong. I probably would be a little scared to be as strong as she is. But she definitely speaks her mind, and she loves kids. So do I. I love everything about her.



Kid Reporter Laura Zhang: What message do you hope young viewers will take from the show?

学乐小记者Laura Zhang:你希望年轻观众能从剧中获得什么?

Momona Tamada: I hope they get a sense of the power of friendship and girl power, and how our characters go through their own issues, and how we solve our problems. And hopefully, the audience can take that and apply it to their lives because all of the problems the girls face are very real and relatable.



The babysitters attend a wedding in Season 1 of the Netflix series.


Kid Reporter Liset Zacker: What makes the babysitters’ friendships with each other so special?


Xochitl Gomez: Everything! They’re loyal to each other, and that’s really important. They come to the rescue when something goes wrong. The “Dawn and the Impossible Three” episode is an example of that.

一切!他们彼此忠诚,这很重要。出了什么事,他们就会来营救。《Dawn and the Impossible Three》这一部分就是一个例子。


Kid Reporter Zhorie’l Tapo: Could you tell us what it was like to audition for the show?


Sophie Grace: It was kind of crazy to audition for the show because I just did a recording on my phone in my own bedroom, of me just playing out a scene or two, and I was not expecting it to go anywhere. A few days later, I was hanging out with my friends at the beach. I came back to reapply some sunscreen, and I checked my phone, and I got a text from my mom that just said, “You’re going to L.A. tomorrow?” And I was, like, “What!” So I called her, and she was like, “I don't know. They want to talk to you about The Baby-Sitters Club.”

When I arrived on the set, we were all in a room together. There were a whole bunch of girls, and the five of us gravitated towards each other. We all ended up hanging out at our snack breaks. And I’m really happy that this is who the cast was because these girls are who I clicked with.

参加这个节目的试演说起来有点不可思议,因为我只是在自己的卧室里用手机录了一段,我只是演了一两场戏,我没想到会有什么结果。几天后,我和朋友们在海滩上闲逛。我回来重新涂防晒霜时检查了一下手机,我收到了妈妈的短信,上面说:“你明天要去洛杉矶吗?“我当时就想,“什么!” 然后我打电话给她,她说,“我不太清楚。他们想和你谈谈《The Baby-Sitters Club》。”


《The Baby-Sitters Club》系列丛书由Ann M. Martin创作,是历史上最受欢迎的儿童系列图书之一。

The Baby-Sitters Club book series, which was created by Ann M. Martin, is one of the most popular children’s book series in history.


Kid Reporter Claire Olivia Handler: Which character did you identify with the most when you read the books, and why?


Malia Baker:
I identified the most with Mary Anne because I’m a shy person deep down. Of course, I’m able to overcome that while I’m acting or doing my job. Reading about her while growing up, and seeing a shy person coming out of her shell, was really inspiring. But I do admit that I can be Kristy at times because I am bossy sometimes. I admit I’m a little. But I definitely think Mary Anne is the one I gravitated towards the most.

我最认同的是Mary Anne,因为我内心深处是一个害羞的人。当然,当我在演戏或工作时,我能克服这些。在成长过程中读到关于她的故事,看到一个害羞的人从她的“壳”里出来,那是相当励志的。但我承认我有时也会成为Kristy,因为我有时很专横。我认为Mary Anne是我最喜欢的人。


Kid Reporter Alula Alderson: Why is it so important for the babysitters to have a sense of humor?

学乐小记者Alula Alderson:为什么保姆的幽默感如此重要?

Shay Rudolph: I think it’s important, in general, to have some light during dark times. These girls’ friendships are so important because they’re there for each other through absolutely everything. It’s really important to have friends that you trust that much, that you can tell all of your problems to, and that you know they’ll be there to support you. Sometimes, when things get really heavy, maybe if it’s family issues or some personal drama going on at school, it’s important to know that you always have those people you can come to, who will cheer you up, make you laugh a little. I think this is a really great representation of that, and just having some light in some really close friendships.
