《殺死伊芙》What do you want from me?你想要什麼



Carolyn:Eve, if you have come here to berate me about the other day, do you mind if we do it in the morning? I'm a little tired...

Eve:I have Kenny's phone.

Carolyn:I see.

Eve:I need to know what happened,who killed him.

Carolyn:As you know, in the field, when someone dies, they can fuel you, in a good way. But this is different. Do you understand?

Eve:I understand.

Carolyn:All right.I miss his smell.


Carolyn:What do you want from me?

Eve:There's a thumb drive he was working on.The police have it.We need to get a hold of it. We need to crack into it, but we'll keep it confidential.



[bɪ'reɪt] 呵斥;訓斥

eg:He feared she would berate him for his forgetfulness. 他擔心她要訓斥自己的健忘了.

do you mind

Would (Do) you mind ...?是一個非常重要的交際用語,用來表示委婉的請求,或用來表示希望得到對方的許可。

① Would (Do) you mind後接doing sth. 時,表示希望對方做某事。 其中would 比 do語氣更委婉,熟人之間說話時,可用do代替would。

eg:Would / Do you mind showing me the way to the tower?

② 如果Would (Do) you mind後面接的是one's doing sth表示詢問是否介意某人做某事。

③ Would (Do) you mind 後接if從句時,也是用來表示請求對方是否介意某人做某事。

例如視頻中出現的“Do you mind if we do it in the morning? ”你是否介意我做什麼事情。

I see.

I see表示“我明白了,我知道了”,但是和I know還是有點不一樣。

I see 是在你聽到這個對話之前,你是不知道這件事情的,而通過這個對話,你才知道了。I know 指的是在對話發生之前你就已經知道了這件事情。

Carolyn從一開始不知道Eve有他兒子的手機,就用了I see。

As you know

as you know , 正如你已經知道,常用在一個大家都知道的事情句子前面。

eg: As you know, I am a very kind person. 你知道, 我是個很和善的人.


n. 燃料;刺激因素;(為身體提供能量的)食物vt. 給……提供燃料;刺激,煽動;推動


句子中的“In the field, when someone dies, they can fuel you”中的fuel就翻譯為激發的“推動”的意思,“在戰場上,如果有人死了,這會激勵你”。

thumb drive 優盤

get a hold of it.

get hold of sth. 得到某樣東西,如果後面是sb.可以表示聯繫上某人。

eg:What is most likely the quickest way to get a hold of you? 最快可能聯繫到你的方式是什麼?

但如果是 get a hold of oneself 表示“控制情緒 ,控制住情緒”。

keep it confidential

keep confidential 保密,保守秘密

這個詞組在美劇中出現的頻率非常高,可以記一下。讀音中keep和it中間有個連讀[kiːpi t]





