《美國夫人 》Rolling!開機



-How are you? I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.


-Hey. I had to release a statement on the Consumer Product Safety Act.

-Oh. How will you vote?

-You'll have to ask my chief of staff.

-Mr. Crane, we're starting in about a minute.

-All right. Okay, so I will begin by introducing the topic.

-And then I'm gonna ask you to weigh in. It's debate style. But I'm gonna throw you some easy questions, so you don't seem in over your head, okay? Thank you.

- Okay.

- Thank you, sir.

-And I might disagree with you just to make it more fun for the viewers, so... Relax. Look like you're having fun, even if you're not. And, uh, don't forget to smile.


-Smile with teeth.

- Rolling!

- You wanna practice?

-I think I've got it.

-Okay. We're up.


I'm so sorry to keep you waiting


當你在約會中遲到了,就需要說“I'm so sorry to keep you waiting”來表達歉意。

回答可以說“No”,或者“Oh, not at all.”


n. 行為; 行動; 所為; (議會通過的) 法案,法令; 假裝;

v. 做事; 行動; 行為; 舉止; 假裝;

act有很多的意思,其中一個是“法案”,例如“The Children Act” 兒童法案

weigh in

weigh in這個詞組表示“參加,比賽前量體重” ,在口語中常表示“發表評論/參與某個討論、辯論”。

eg:We want people to weigh in on the issue. 我們想要大家參與這個話題。

throw questions


eg: They threw a few awkward questions at me. 他們問了我幾個令人尷尬的問題。

be in over one's head


eg:I think you are in over your head with your new job. 我認為你的新工非你能力所及。



攝像師如果說Rolling set,意思是機器準備好了。