雙語——魯思的忠心(RUTH’S LOYALTY-E43)

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【單詞】LOYALTY 原型:loyalty ['loi-uhl-tee]['lɒɪəltɪ] n. 忠誠;衷心;忠實
【專有名詞】RUTH 原型:Ruth 魯思(女子名)

During the days of the judges, there was once a famine in the land; and a certain man from Bethlehem in Judah took his wife and two sons to live in the territory of Moab.

【單詞】During 原型:during 介詞 ['doo r-ing, 'dyoo r-]['djʊərɪŋ] prep. 在……期間
【單詞】judges 原型:judge 名詞複數形式 [juhj][dʒʌdʒ] n.【史】士師(古以色列的統治者)
【單詞】famine 名詞 ['fam-in]['fæmɪn] n. 饑荒;極度缺乏
【單詞】certain 形容詞 ['sur-tn]['sɜːt(ə)n] adj. 某一
【單詞】territory 名詞 ['ter-i-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee]['terətri] n. 領土;領域;範圍
【專有名詞】Bethlehem 地名 ['beth-li-hem, -lee-uh m]['beθlihem] n. 伯利恆
【專有名詞】Judah ['joo-duh]['dʒu:də] n. 猶大的後裔
【專有名詞】Moab ['moh-ab][聖經] 摩押(死海東面的古王國)

His name was Elimelech and his wife's Naomi, and his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion.

After they had been living in Moab for some time, Elimelech died, and Naomi was left with her two sons.
【短語】for some time 一段時間;例句:I've thought about it for some time. 這事我已考慮了一段時間了。
【單詞】left 原型:leave 動詞過去分詞 [leev][liːv] v. 留下

They married Moabite women, named Orpah and Ruth.
【單詞】married 原型:marry 動詞過去式 ['mar-ee]['mæri] v. 娶;結婚
【專有名詞】Moabite 形容詞 ['moh-uh-bahyt]['məuəbait] adj. 摩押人的

After they had lived there about ten years, Mahlon and Chilion both died, and Naomi was left without husband or children.

So she set out with her daughters-in-law to return from the land of Moab, for she had heard that Jehovah had remembered his people and given them food.
【短語】set out 出發,動身;例句:We set out with enough provisions. 我們帶上足夠的食品出發了。
【單詞】daughters-in-law 原型:daughter-in-law 名詞複數形式 ['daw-ter-in-law]['dɔːtər ɪn lɔː] n. 兒媳婦
【單詞】remembered 原型:remember 動詞過去分詞 [ri-'mem-ber][rɪ'membə] v. 記得;記起
【專有名詞】Jehovah [ji-'hoh-vuh][dʒɪ'həʊvə] n. [聖經]耶和華(指上帝)

As they were setting out on the journey to Judah, Naomi said to her daughters-in-law, "Go, return each of you to the home of your mother.
【單詞】journey 名詞 ['jur-nee]['dʒɜːni] n. 旅程;旅行;行程

May Jehovah be kind to you, as you have been kind to the dead and to me.
【短語】be kind to 善待,對……友好;例句:You can't love everyone, but you can be kind to everyone. 你無法去愛每一個人,但你可以善待每一個人。
【單詞】dead 名詞 [ded][ded] n. 死者

Jehovah grant that each of you may find peace and happiness in the house of a new husband."
【單詞】grant 動詞 [grant, grahnt][grɑːnt] v. 授予
【單詞】peace 名詞 [pees][pis] n. 和平;平靜
【單詞】happiness 名詞 ['hap-ee-nis]['hæpinəs] n. 幸福;快樂

Then she kissed them; but they began to weep aloud and said to her, "No, we will return with you to your people." But Naomi said, "Go back, my daughters; why should you go with me?

【單詞】kissed 原型:kiss 動詞過去式 [kis][kɪs] v. 吻;輕觸
【單詞】weep 動詞 [weep][wiːp] v. 流淚;哭泣;悲嘆
【單詞】aloud 副詞 [uh-'loud][ə'laʊd] adv. 出聲地;大聲地

Can I still have sons who might become your husbands?

Go back, my daughters, go your own way, for I am too old to have a husband.

Even if I should say, 'I have hope,' even if I should have a husband to-night and should have sons, would you wait for them until they were grown up?
【詞法】even if是“即使,縱然”的意思,為連詞,用於引導讓步狀語從句。如:Even if it rains tomorrow, we won't change our plan. 即使明天下雨,我們也決不改變計劃。
【短語】wait for 等候,等待;例句:We are waiting for the first crops to ripen. 我們正等待著第一次農作物的成熟。
【短語】grown up 原型:grow up 成長,長大;例句:You'll change your mind as you grow up. 等你長大就會改變想法的。
【單詞】hope 名詞 [hohp][həʊp] n. 希望;信心

Would you remain single for them?
【單詞】remain 動詞 [ri-'meyn][rɪ'meɪn] v. 保持;依然
【單詞】single 形容詞 ['sing-guhl]['sɪŋg(ə)l] adj. 單身的

No, my daughters!

I am sorry for you, for Jehovah has afflicted me." Then they again wept aloud, and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-by, but Ruth stayed with her.
【短語】am sorry for 原型:be sorry for 感到歉疚、抱歉;例句:You don't have to be sorry for anything. 你不必為任何事感到抱歉。
【單詞】afflicted 原型:afflict 動詞過去分詞 [uh-'flikt][ə'flɪkt] v. 折磨;使痛苦
【單詞】mother-in-law 名詞 ['muhth -er-in-law]['mʌðər ɪn lɔː] n. 婆婆;岳母
【單詞】good-by 名詞 [goo d-'bahy][gʊd'baɪ] n. 告別;告辭

Naomi said, "See, your sister-in-law is going back to her own people and to her own gods; go along with her!" But Ruth answered, "Do not urge me to leave you or to go back, for wherever you go I will go, and wherever you stay I will stay; your people shall be my people, and your God my God;
【短語】go along with 隨……一起去;例句:I'll go along with you. 我將隨同你一起去。
【單詞】sister-in-law 名詞 ['sis-ter-in-law]['sistərinlɔ:] n. 夫或妻的姊妹;妯娌

【單詞】urge 動詞 [urj][ɜːdʒ] v. 催促;力陳;極力主張
【單詞】wherever 連詞 [hwair-'ev-er, wair-][weər'evə] conj. 無論在哪裡
【專有名詞】God 名詞 [god][ɡɒd] n. 上帝

I will die where you die and be buried there.
【單詞】buried 原型:bury 動詞過去分詞 ['ber-ee]['beri] v. 埋葬

May Jehovah bring a curse upon me, if anything but death separate you and me." When Naomi saw that Ruth had made up her mind to go with her, she ceased urging her to return.
【短語】made up her mind 原型:make up one's mind 決定下決心;例句:It is early days yet to make up your mind. 你現在下決心還為時過早。
【單詞】curse 名詞 [kurs][kɜːs] n. 詛咒;咒罵;禍端
【單詞】death 名詞 [deth][dɛθ] n. 死;死亡
【單詞】separated 原型:separate [verb 'sep-uh-reyt; adjective, noun 'sep-er-it][sɛpəˌret] v. 分開;隔開
【單詞】ceased 原型:cease 動詞過去式 [sees][siːs] v. 終止;停止

So they travelled on until they came to Bethlehem.

When they arrived there, the whole town was interested, and the women said, "Is this Naomi?" But she said to them, "Do not call me Naomi which means Sweetness: call me Mara which means Bitterness, for the Almighty has given me a bitter lot.

【單詞】arrived 原型:arrive 動詞過去式 [uh-'rahyv][ə'raɪv] v. 到達;到來
【單詞】means 原型:mean 動詞一般現在時(第三人稱單數)[meen][miːn] v. 意味著
【單詞】Sweetness 原型:sweetness 名詞 ['peyt-n]['swiːtnəs] n. 美味;芳香;甜美
【單詞】Bitterness 原型:bitterness 名詞 ['bit-er]['bɪtənəs] n. 苦味;悲痛;怨恨
【單詞】bitter 名詞 ['bit-er]['bɪtə] n. 苦味
【專有名詞】Almighty [awl-'mahy-tee][ɔːl'maɪti] n. 上帝

I had plenty when I left, but Jehovah has brought me back empty-handed.
【單詞】plenty 名詞 ['plen-tee]['plenti] n. 豐富;大量;充足
【單詞】empty-handed 形容詞 ['emp-tee-'han-did][,empti:'hændid] adj. 空手的;徒手的

Why should you call me Naomi, now that Jehovah has turned against me, and the Almighty has afflicted me?" So Naomi and Ruth returned from Moab; and they came to Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest.
【短語】turned against 原型:turn against 反對,作對;例句:Even those who are once for him begin to turn against him. 連那些原來支持他的人也開始反對他了。
【短語】at the beginning of 在……之初;例句:The wedding will be at the beginning of March. 婚禮定於三月初舉行。

【單詞】barley 名詞 ['bahr-lee]['bɑːli] n. 大麥
【單詞】harvest 名詞 ['hahr-vist]['hɑːvɪst] n. 收成;收穫;收割