小小象牙章,竟有大來頭!Whose seal was it on earth?




印章高2.84,頭高1.68,印面長徑2.61,印面短徑2.2,2重9.7g 。底面左側偏厚有大約0.5*0.6cm,表面剝落不規整深約0.01cm,裡面呈粉白色。


There is an exotic ivory-made seal of Tang Dynasty exhibited at the Archaeological Site Museum of Nanyue Palace in Guangzhou. The seal is only three-centimeter-high and no bigger than a walnut. But it has a story to tell!


With roots dating back thousands of years, Chinese seals are more than just a unique motif. They are symbolic of identity, status, and culture. Mostly carved with users’ names or official positions, seals found in ancient tombs could provide fundamental information for archaeologists to figure out the identity of the tomb owner.


However, there's no engravings on this particular seal, making it difficult to identify its owner. Whose seal was it? The answer might have already been hidden in the knob of the seal.


It is carved into the shape of a woman’s head with deep eyes, high nose and curly hair, looking more like a foreigner rather than a Chinese. Apart from that, the oval shape design of the seal is quite eye-catching. In ancient China, square or rectangular shaped seals were frequently used while the oval ones were common in ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia.




With the above information in hand, can we judge that the seal was in the possession of someone from abroad? Before drawing a conclusion, let’s ‘travel’ back to the Tang Dynasty, the era when sea trade flourished in Guangzhou.


According to the book Tō Daiwajō Tōseiden (《唐大和上東征傳》), an account of the Chinese monk Jianzhen's work in Japan, the Pearl River was teemed with numerous ships from the Arab Empire, Persia, Ceylon and other countries, loaded with spices and other treasures.





So it is safe to say that the Tang Dynasty saw many foreign merchants coming to Guangzhou for trade, including a great number of Arabs. Although not much related physical evidence has been found in Guangzhou yet, Fanfang(蕃坊), a special zone for foreigners living and trading, was clearly recorded in history.






Now let’s take a look at where the exotic item was found. The seal was unearthed in 2003 from the brick corridor on the archaeological site of the Nanyue Palace which was close to the Fanfang. Some other exotic items, such as crystal and glass beads were discovered as well. Thus archaeologists explained that there might be a handicraft workshop nearby back in the Tang Dynasty.



One can’t help imagining the hustle and bustle of Guangzhou back then when thousands of foreign ships sailed in bringing with them rare and precious goods which were very much coveted by the locals.


Seeing this as a good business opportunity, locals started opening handicraft workshops to learn how to make these exotic products as well as to trade with foreign merchants. Guesses are that this ivory seal might either be a private customized one or one that was left behind by a careless foreign merchant after bargaining with local traders.

Editor: Yuan

Source: 南越王宮博物館、考古大家談、星球研究所