

What book is this?

It's a novel.

What's the title of the novel?

The title of the novel is "The Portrait of a Man with Red Hair".

Who's the author of the novel?



The famous prime minister of England?

No, I'm afraid it isn't the same person.

The name of the writer was Hugh.

The name of the politician was Robert.

Both had the title of sir.

But they weren't of the same family, were they?

No, they weren't.

And there was also another writer, Horace Walpole.

Were Horace Walpole and Sir Robert of the same family?

Yes, they were.

Horace was a son of Sir Robert Walpole.

Sir Robert was also a great man of business, the leader of his party and a Member of Parliament.

Anything else?


He was a lover of art.

He had a fine collection of pictures.

I'm full of admiration for your knowledge of the history of England.

Oh, after all I'm a student of English literature, aren't I?

The question of the production of coal is a separate question, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

And we should discuss it separately.

But we should discuss the problem of mines in general now, I think.


I suppose so.

And the problem of the living conditions of miners and of their families is also very important.


You're quite right.

Have you any other suggestions?


I have one final suggestion.

We may also consider the problem of schools for miners.


This is a lot of work.

Is that all?


That's all.

Thank you.

What can I do for you, madam?

I'll take a pound of sugar, please.

Half a pound of cheese.

And a tin of sardines.

What else?

A bottle of orange juice and a small piece of this cake, please.

Will that be all?


A packet of cigarettes, please.

I have many kinds of cigarettes.

What kind will you have, madam?

Some mild cigarettes, please.

A packet of ten or twenty?

A packet of twenty, please, or two packets of ten.

What will you have, sir?

I'll have a few of these and a little of this.

Won't you have any of those?

Yes, I'll take some of those, too.

And perhaps a little of that?


Just a little will be enough.

Mrs. Waller's the mother of five children, isn't she?

Yes, she is.

She's very proud of them.

Are all her children boys or girls?

Two of them are boys and three are girls.

Are any of them like her?


One of them is very much like her.

The rest of them are like their father.

Diana isn't a teacher of English, is she?

Oh, yes, she is.

I'm sure of that.

She's a colleague of my wife.

Is your wife also a teacher of English?

No, she's a teacher of French.

But both of them are working at the same school.

They are members of the same union, aren't they?

Yes, both of them are members of the Union of Teachers.

And Diana is one of the vice-presidents of their branch.

So she has a lot of work to do, hasn't she?

Yes, but she's a woman of great energy and she's very fond of her work.

