Tourists attractions in Hunan are waiting for you丨五一出遊,莫忘預約

新湖南客戶端4月28日訊(記者 田甜)"五一"節即將來臨,疫情防控常態化開啟了“預約旅遊”新時代。湖南省文旅廳發佈《預約旅遊公告》,公佈湖南117家4A級及以上景區、度假區預約方式,要求積極推動文旅行業普遍採取網絡預約實名售票,加快建立與疫情防控常態化相適應的文旅安全工作機制,號召廣大遊客提前預約,分時段入園,錯峰出遊,確保“五一”假期文旅市場規範有序、安全穩定。

Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism released the “Announcement of Tourism Reservation”, announcing the resort booking method of scenic spots in Hunan.It is required to generally adopt online booking of real-name tickets to speed up the establishment of the epidemic prevention and control normalization. It called on the vast number of tourists to make an appointment in advance, enter the park on time, avoid peaks. To ensure the order and safety and stability of the "May Day" holiday tourism market.