

$ 前言

go-xorm是一個簡單而強大的Go語言ORM庫. 通過它可以使數據庫操作非常簡便。

$ 配置目標





<code>package utils

import (

var (
\tiniFile *ini.File

func init() {
\tfile, e := ini.Load("conf/app.ini")
\tif e != nil {
\t\tbase.Log.Info("Fail to load conf/app.ini" + e.Error())
\tiniFile = file

func GetSection(sectionName string) *ini.Section {
\tsection, e := iniFile.GetSection(sectionName)
\tif e != nil {
\t\tbase.Log.Info("未找到對應的配置信息:" + sectionName + e.Error())
\t\treturn nil
\treturn section

func GetSectionMap(sectionName string) map[string]string {
\tsection, e := iniFile.GetSection(sectionName)
\tif e != nil {
\t\tbase.Log.Info("未找到對應的配置信息:" + sectionName + e.Error())
\t\treturn nil
\tsection_map := make(map[string]string, 0)
\tfor _, e := range section.Keys() {
\t\tsection_map[e.Name()] = e.Value()
\treturn section_map

func GetVal(sectionName string, key string) string {
\tvar temp_val string
\tsection := GetSection(sectionName)
\tif nil != section {
\t\ttemp_val = section.Key(key).Value()
\treturn temp_val;


<code>package pojo

type Page struct {
\tCounts int64
\tPageSize int64
\tTotalPage int64
\tCurPage int64
\tFirstResult int64
\tLastResult int64
\tOrderType string
\tOrderName string


func (this *Page) Build(counts int64, pageSize int64) {
\tthis.Counts = counts
\tthis.PageSize = pageSize
\tif (counts%pageSize == 0) {
\t\tthis.TotalPage = this.Counts / this.PageSize
\t} else {
\t\tthis.TotalPage = this.Counts/this.PageSize + 1

func (this *Page) GetCounts() int64 {
\treturn this.Counts

* Counts
* the Counts to set
func (this *Page) SetCounts(counts int64) {
\t// 計算所有的頁面數
\tthis.Counts = counts
\t// this.TotalPage = (int)Math.ceil((this.Counts + this.perPageSize - 1)
\t// / this.perPageSize)
\tif (counts%this.PageSize == 0) {
\t\tthis.TotalPage = this.Counts / this.PageSize
\t} else {
\t\tthis.TotalPage = this.Counts/this.PageSize + 1

func (this *Page) GetPageSize() int64 {
\treturn this.PageSize

func (this *Page) SetPageSize(pageSize int64) {
\tthis.PageSize = pageSize

* the TotalPage
func (this *Page) GetTotalPage() int64 {
\tif this.TotalPage < 1 {
\t\treturn 1
\treturn this.TotalPage

* TotalPage
* the TotalPage to set
func (this *Page) SetTotalPage(totalPage int64) {
\tthis.TotalPage = totalPage

func (this *Page) GetCurPage() int64 {
\treturn this.CurPage

func (this *Page) SetCurPage(curPage int64) {
\tthis.CurPage = curPage

* the FirstResult
func (this *Page) GetFirstResult() int64 {
\ttemp := this.CurPage - 1
\tif (temp <= 0) {
\t\treturn 0
\tthis.FirstResult = (this.CurPage - 1) * this.PageSize
\treturn this.FirstResult

* FirstResult
* the FirstResult to set
func (this *Page) SetFirstResult(firstResult int64) {
\tthis.FirstResult = firstResult

* the LastResult
func (this *Page) GetLastResult() int64 {
\tthis.LastResult = this.FirstResult + this.PageSize
\treturn this.LastResult

* LastResult
* the LastResult to set
func (this *Page) SetLastResult(lastResult int64) {
\tthis.LastResult = lastResult


* the OrderName
func (this *Page) GetOrderName() string {
\treturn this.OrderName

* OrderName
* the OrderName to set
func (this *Page) SetOrderName(orderName string) {
\tthis.OrderName = orderName

* the orderBy
func (this *Page) getOrderType() string {
\treturn this.OrderType

* orderBy
* the orderBy to set
func (this *Page) SetOrderType(orderType string) {
\tthis.OrderType = orderType

* the orderBy
func (this *Page) GetOrderBy() string {
\tif len(this.GetOrderName()) <= 0 {
\t\treturn ""
\torderBy := " order by " + this.GetOrderName() + " " + this.getOrderType()
\treturn orderBy



<code>package mysql

import (

\t_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"

type BaseService struct {

var (
\tengine *xorm.Engine

func GetEngine() *xorm.Engine {
\tif nil == engine {
\treturn engine

func ShowSQL(show bool) {
\tengine := GetEngine()


func setEngine() *xorm.Engine {
\turl := utils.GetVal("mysql", "url")
\tmaxIdle, _ := strconv.Atoi(utils.GetVal("mysql", "maxIdle"))
\tmaxConn, _ := strconv.Atoi(utils.GetVal("mysql", "maxConn"))

\tvar err error
\tengine, err = xorm.NewEngine("mysql", url)
\tif nil != err {
\t\tbase.Log.Error("init" + err.Error())


\ttbMapper := core.NewPrefixMapper(core.SnakeMapper{}, "t_")
\tengine.Exec("update user set name = ? where id = ?", "xlw", 1)
\t//cacher := xorm.NewLRUCacher(xorm.NewMemoryStore(), 999)

\treturn engine

func init() {

func beforeModify(entity interface{}) {
\t//current_date := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
\tdefault_user := "100000"
\tentity_value := reflect.ValueOf(entity).Elem()


\tfield_ModifyDate := entity_value.FieldByName("ModifyTime")
\tif field_ModifyDate.String() == "" {
\tfield_ModifyUser := entity_value.FieldByName("ModifyUser")
\tif field_ModifyUser.String() == "" {


func beforeDelete(entity interface{}) {
\t//current_date := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
\tdefault_user := "100000"
\tentity_value := reflect.ValueOf(entity).Elem()

\tfield_ModifyDate := entity_value.FieldByName("ModifyTime")
\tif field_ModifyDate.String() == "" {
\tfield_DeleteUser := entity_value.FieldByName("DeleteUser")
\tif field_DeleteUser.String() == "" {


func beforeSave(entity interface{}) interface{} {
\t//current_date := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
\tdefault_user := "100000"
\tentity_value := reflect.ValueOf(entity).Elem()

\t/*\t//設置創建時間 通過`xorm:"created"`配置
\t\tfield_CreateDate := entity_value.FieldByName("CreateTime")
\t\tif field_CreateDate.String() == "" {

\tfield_CreateUser := entity_value.FieldByName("CreateUser")
\tif field_CreateUser.String() == "" {


\tvar id interface{}
\tfield_Id := entity_value.FieldByName("Id")
\tif field_Id.String() == "" {
\t\tid = bson.NewObjectId().Hex()
\treturn id

func (this *BaseService) SaveOrModify(entity interface{}) {
\tb, err := engine.Exist(entity)
\tif nil != err {
\t\tbase.Log.Info("SaveOrModify:" + err.Error())
\tif b {
\t} else {
func (this *BaseService) Save(entity interface{}) interface{} {
\tid := beforeSave(entity)
\t_, err := engine.InsertOne(entity)
\tif nil != err {
\t\tbase.Log.Info("Save:" + err.Error())
\treturn id

func (this *BaseService) SaveList(entitys []interface{}) *list.List {
\tif len(entitys) <= 0 {
\t\treturn nil
\tlist_ids := list.New()
\tfor _, v := range entitys {
\t\tid := beforeSave(v)

\t_, err := engine.Insert(entitys...)
\tif nil != err {
\t\tbase.Log.Info("SaveList:" + err.Error())
\treturn list_ids

func (this *BaseService) Del(entity interface{}) int64 {
\tentity_value := reflect.ValueOf(entity).Elem()
\tid_field := entity_value.FieldByName("Id")
\ti, err := engine.Id(id_field.Interface()).Delete(entity)
\tif err != nil {
\t\tbase.Log.Info("Del:", err)
\treturn i

func (this *BaseService) Modify(entity interface{}) int64 {

\tentity_value := reflect.ValueOf(entity).Elem()
\tid_field := entity_value.FieldByName("Id")
\ti, err := engine.Id(id_field.Interface()).AllCols().Update(entity)
\tif err != nil {
\t\tbase.Log.Info("Modify:", err)
\treturn i

func (this *BaseService) ModifyList(entitys []interface{}) int64 {
\tif len(entitys) <= 0 {
\t\treturn 0
\t//i, err := engine.In("id",ids).Update(entitys)
\tfor _, v := range entitys {
\t\t//entity_value := reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem()
\t\t//id_field := entity_value.FieldByName("Id")
\treturn 1

func (this *BaseService) Exist(entity interface{}) bool {
\texist, err := engine.Exist(entity)
\tif nil != err {
\t\tbase.Log.Info("ExistByName:" + err.Error())

\treturn exist

func (this *BaseService) Find(entity interface{}) {

func (this *BaseService) FindBySQL(sql string, entity interface{}) {

func (this *BaseService) FindAll(entity interface{}) {
\terr := engine.Find(entity)
\tif nil != err {
\t\tbase.Log.Info("FindAll: " + err.Error())

func (this *BaseService) Page(v interface{}, page *pojo.Page, dataList interface{}) error {
\ttableName := engine.TableName(v)
\tsql := "select t.* from " + tableName + " t where 1=1 "

\treturn this.PageSql(sql, page, dataList)

func (this *BaseService) PageSql(sql string, page *pojo.Page, dataList interface{}) error {
\tvar err error
\tvar counts int64
\tcountSql := " select count(1) from (" + sql + ") t"
\tcounts, err = engine.SQL(countSql).Count()
\tif nil != err {
\t\treturn err
\t} else {
\torderBy := page.GetOrderBy()
\tif len(orderBy) > 0 {
\t\tsql += orderBy

\tsql += " limit " + strconv.FormatInt(page.GetFirstResult(), 10) + "," + strconv.FormatInt(page.GetPageSize(), 10)
\terr = engine.SQL(sql).Find(dataList)
\treturn err



<code>package service

import (

type MatchHisService struct {

func (this *MatchHisService) Exist(v *pojo.MatchHis) bool {
\thas, err := mysql.GetEngine().Table("`t_match_his`").Where(" `Id` = ? ", v.Id).Exist()
\tif err != nil {
\t\tbase.Log.Error("Exist", err)
\treturn has

func (this *MatchHisService) FindAll() []*pojo.MatchHis {
\tdataList := make([]*pojo.MatchHis, 0)
\treturn dataList

func (this *MatchHisService) FindById(matchId string) *pojo.MatchHis {
\tdata := new(pojo.MatchHis)
\tdata.Id = matchId
\t_, err := mysql.GetEngine().Get(data)
\tif err != nil {
\t\tbase.Log.Error("FindById:", err)
\treturn data

func (this *MatchHisService) FindBySeason(season string) []*pojo.MatchLast {
\tsql_build := `

foot.t_match_his la
\tsql_build = sql_build + " AND la.MatchDate >= '" + season + "-01-01 00:00:00' AND la.MatchDate <= '" + season + "-12-31 23:59:59'"

\tdataList := make([]*pojo.MatchLast, 0)
\tthis.FindBySQL(sql_build, &dataList)
\treturn dataList