絕代豔后Marie Antoinette

這是一部非常典型的洛可可風格電影無論是建築 裝潢還是著裝都散發著濃濃的洛可可獨有的浪漫奢華情調

A very typical rococo style film whether it is architectural decoration or dress are sending out a thick rococo unique romantic luxury sentiment

講述了Marie Antoinette從豆蔻年華的奧地利公主到奢靡成風的法國皇后最後成為法國大革命的斷頭皇后的悲情一生

Tells the story of Marie Antoinette, the young Austrian princess to the luxury of the French queen finally became the French revolution's beheaded queen


The life of the nobles in the palace of Versailles ranged from various folding shoes and Vintage dresses to the ostentatious walls that stood in stark contrast to the sufferings of the common people