What is love?愛為何物?

What is love? Love is a very special and meaningful word to each human being. Each human being has his/her own thoughts about love to guide himself/herself to land safely and smoothly into the kingdom of Love. Without this preconceived idea of love, people would be acting like a blind person searching for the light with thousands of obstacles in front of him.什麼是愛?對於每個人來說,愛是一個非常特殊和有意義的單詞。每個人對於愛都有自己的想法,使他能夠安全地順暢地降落到愛的王國。沒有這個預想的愛的觀念,人們就會表現得像一個盲人在成千上萬的障礙物面前尋找燈光一樣。

What is Love? I know this question exists in each human being's mind including myself. If not it is still waiting to be discovered deeply in your heart. What do I think of love? For me, I believe love is a priceless diamond, because a diamond has thousands of reflections, and each reflection represents a meaning of love.什麼是愛?我知道這個問題存在於每個人的腦海中,包括我在內。如果還沒有的話,那肯定是深深的藏在你心中,等著被發現。我是怎麼理解愛呢?對於我來說,我認為愛是無價的鑽石,因為一個鑽石有成千上百個映像,每個映像代表愛的一個意義。

With love I can accept a person's imperfections without any condition, and I am able to transfer the way I love myself to another person who I am fancy at. With love I can have the power against loneliness, sadness, and illness, and to be able to change them into my happiness.因為愛,我們可以無條件地接受一個人的不完美的地方。然後能夠把愛自己的方式轉化在另一個我愛的人身上。因為愛,我有力量對抗孤獨,傷心,疾病,並把他們變成我的快樂。

I may as well have a key to open my heart to look at this world without a mask and show people who I really am. But on the other hand, my love cannot be a substitute for anything, which means nothing can be substituted for my love.我也可以有個鑰匙來打開我的心靈,不戴面具的看看這個世界,來展示給人們看我真正是什麼樣的人。但從另一方面講,我的愛不能代替任何東西,意思是沒有什麼東西來代替我的愛。

It also means those reflections of the diamond cannot be replaced by any kind of light or any other reflection, because the untrue reflection will not be a real diamond, and will not be able to spread out its resplendent and meaningful reflection of love to people about whom I care.它也意味著鑽石那些反射映像不能被任何的光或者其它映像代替。因為那些不真實的映像不會是一個真正的鑽石,他也不會把萬丈光芒和有意義的映象傳遞給我在乎的人。

What will happen if people live without love? In my point of views, without love I may lose my ability to survive in this world with no hope. Without love I can be defined as a rat living in the sewer, with no chance to see our beautiful land and with no chance to lighten up myself against the darkness.如果人們沒有愛而活著,生活會怎麼樣呢?在我看來,沒有愛的話,我會因沒有希望在這個世界上丟失生存的能力。沒有愛,我會被定義為住在下水道里的老鼠。會變得沒有機會欣賞我們的田地,沒有機會點亮自己對抗黑暗。

I may lose many opportunities of enjoyment both mentally and physically, when I do not know what love is.當我不懂得什麼是愛的時候,我也會喪失很多精神層面和肉體層面的快樂的機會。