


Bernie Sanders has pulled out of the Democratic presidential race, paving the way for former vice-president Joe Biden to be the party’s nominee to challenge Donald Trump in November.


There were plenty of circumstances in which one could picture the defeat of Bernie Sanders. It is safe to say that none involved a situation where Congress just quadrupled the US fiscal deficit and prominent Republicans were flirting with universal basic income.

人們可以設想出伯尼•桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)可能會失敗的各種情形,但絕對想不到這種情形:國會剛剛將美國財政赤字擴大了三倍,一些共和黨名流開始對“全民基本收入”概念產生興趣。

It is an irony — and a bitter one for the Sanders movement — that his candidacy folded at just the moment big government was coming back into demand.


Yet, it was the coronavirus that dealt the final blow to his hopes.


Joe Biden had gathered a near-insurmountable lead before most of the US went into lockdown last month. But he faced months of bitter contest with the Sanders’ movement before the crown would be his. The wave of “shelter-in-place” orders suddenly made campaigning irrelevant.

在美國大部分地區於上個月實施封鎖措施之前,喬•拜登(Joe Biden)就獲得了幾乎無法超越的領先優勢。但他本來還需要與桑德斯的團隊激烈角逐幾個月才能贏得提名。多個州紛紛發佈的“居家令”讓競選活動顯得不那麼重要。

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