despise, despite, in spite of 用法

despise v. 輕視,鄙視, 藐視,看不起

We despise people who bully the poor. 我們鄙視欺負窮人的那些人。

She despises poor people. 她看不起窮人。

despite prep. 儘管,不管,任憑 (= in spite of),despite 和 in spite of 意思相同,用法也基本相同。只是despite 稍微正式一點兒,此外despite all that “儘管如此” 的意思,是固定用法,後面要用逗號與句子主幹分開。 in spite of 沒有這種用法。如:

Despite all that, China is still helping other countries. 儘管如此,中國還是在幫助其他國家。(這裡不能用 in spite of)

despite 和 in spite of 後面都是接名詞,動名詞或代詞,構成介詞短語。*despite of是錯誤的,但 in despite of可以(= in spite of)。despite / in spite of 後面不能直接接從句,如果接that 引導的從句,前面要加the fact. 如:

Despite/in spite of the fact that he is a soldier, he has never been in war. 儘管他是一名戰士,他從沒參加過戰爭。

She still loved him despite/in spite of the fact that he treated her badly. 儘管他對她很不好,她還是愛著他。

We went to meet each other despite/in spite of the rain outside. 儘管外面下雨,我們還是去見面了。

He went to work despite/in spite of being very sick. 儘管他病得很重,他還是去上班了。

Despite/in spite of all his efforts, he failed in the game. 儘管他做了很多努力,他還是在比賽中失敗了。

Despite/in spite of all the difficulties, he still finished the work ahead of time. 儘管有很多困難,他還是提前完成了工作。

Despite oneself /in spite of oneself 是“不由自主”的意思。

She started to scream despite/in spite of herself. 她不由自主地開始尖叫。

He laughed despite/in spite of himself. 他不由自主地笑了。

Hearing the story, despite/in spite of myself, I started to miss my hometown. 聽著這個故事,我不由自主地開始想念家鄉。
