
1 表示某一類人或事物的複數名詞前,不用冠詞. Now people are living a happy life. Trees are planted everywhere.

2 不含普通名詞的專有名詞,表示泛指的物質名詞和抽象名詞前,不用冠詞. We are studying English. He is leaving for America this year. It is pleasant to walk in soft snow. Love is always stronger than hatred.

3 名詞前有指示代詞,物主代詞,不定代詞或名詞所有格修飾,不用冠詞. I like this picture better. Is that your book Take their chairs away! I do not have any money on me. As time went on, Einstein's theory proved to be correct.

4 季節,月份,星期等名詞前,一般不用冠詞. She likes spring while I like summer. We have no classes on Saturday. The Long March started in October 1934.

5 表示只有一人擔任的職務,頭銜的名詞前,不用冠詞. We have elected him our monitor.

6 三餐飯的名詞前,一般不用冠詞. When do you have lunch After supper we usually take a walk.

7 節假日等名詞前,不用冠詞. Children all wear their best clothes on National Day. People give gifts to each other on Christmas Day. 注意:在eve後有of短語則要加定冠詞: on the eve of National Day on the eve of New Year's Day

8 球類和棋類運動的名詞前,不用冠詞. play basketball play chess

9 作表語用表示程度的形容詞最高級前,不用冠詞. Your help was most timely. This method is most effective. 注意:如果有比較範圍,形容詞最高級前必須加定冠詞: Of all methods, this is the most effective.

10 在某些固定詞組裡,名詞前不用冠詞. on foot by train/ boat / plane… in fact as a matter of fact in class in church in danger in hospital in town in bed at home at school at daybreak at sunrise

at dusk at sunset at night at noon go to school go to class go to bed from morning till night from victory to victory from door to door


1 當man作人類講時,用零冠詞. Man will conquer nature.

2 某些抽象名詞具體化時是可數名詞,其前可加a.surprise, fire, joy, He is a success as a teacher. Long Jing is a famous tea in China.

3 a用於姓氏前表示某個只知道名字而不不熟悉的人. A Mr Liu is waiting to see you outside.

4 在某些句型中可加a It is a pity that you have missed the chance. It is a shame / a pleasure / a honour for sb. to do sth.

5 word 作消息講時,用零冠詞. Word came that he would go abroad.