英語小說閱讀0411《暮光之城 暮色》第六章03 附單詞註釋

  Clouds ringed the horizon, but a large patch of blue was visible in the middle. I lingered by the window as long as I could, afraid that if I left the blue would disappear again.

  The Newtons' Olympic Outfitters store was just north of town. I'd seen the store, but I'd never stopped there — not having much need for any supplies required for being outdoors over an extended period of time. In the parking lot I recognized Mike's Suburban and Tyler's Sentra. As I pulled up next to their vehicles, I could see the group standing around in front of the Suburban. Eric was there, along with two other boys I had class with; I was fairly sure their names were Ben and Conner. Jess was there, flanked by Angela and Lauren. Three other girls stood with them, including one I remembered falling over in Gym on Friday. That one gave me a dirty look as I got out of the truck, and whispered something to Lauren. Lauren shook out her corn silk hair and eyed me scornfully


  So it was going to be one of those days.

  At least Mike was happy to see me.

  "You came!" he called, delighted. "And I said it would be sunny today, didn't I?""I told you I was coming," I reminded him.

  "We're just waiting for Lee and Samantha… unless you invited someone, "Mike added.

  "Nope," I lied lightly, hoping I wouldn't get caught in the lie. But also wishing that a miracle would occur, and Edward would appear.

  Mike looked satisfied.

"Will you ride in my car? It's that or Lee's mom's minivan."

"Sure." He smiled blissfully. It was so easy to make Mike happy.

Scornfully 輕蔑地

Minivan 迷你貨車





“你來啦!”他高興地喊道。“我說過今天會放晴的,對吧?” “我告訴過你我會來的。”我提醒他。





