

1.名詞作主語。 如:A tree has fallen across the road. (一棵樹倒下橫在路上。)

Little streams feed big rivers. ( 小河流入大江。) Betty likes her new bike.

2.代詞用作主語。如:He told a joke but it fell flat. (他說了個笑話,但沒有引人發笑)

Everybody enjoyed themselves on vacation. 假期裡大家都過得很愉快。

3.數詞用作主語。如:Three is enough. 三個就夠了。Two and two is four. 二加二等於四

Four from seven leaves three. 7減4餘3。

4.名詞化的形容詞用作主語。 The old and the young are taken good care of in that village.

5.副詞用作主語(極少見)。如:Now is the time. 現在是時候了。

6.名詞化的介詞作主語。如:The ups and downs of life must be taken as they come.


7.不定式用作主語。 如:To find your way can be a problem.你能否找到路可能是一個問題。

It is impossible to defeat a person who never gives up.要打敗一個永不放棄的人是不可能的。To learn a foreign language is not easy.

8. 動名詞用作主語。如:Smoking is bad for you. 吸菸對你有害。Playing basketball after school is great fun.

Watching a film is pleasure, while making one is hard work. 看電影是樂事,製作影片則是苦事.

9. 名詞化的過去分詞用作主語。如:The disabled are to receive more money.

殘疾人將得到更多的救濟金。 The unemployed got much help from the government.

10. 介詞短語用作主語。如:To Beijing is not very far. 到北京不很遠。

11. 從句用作主語。如That the earth runs around the sun is known to everyone.

It is known to everyone that the earth runs around the sun.

Who will be our monitor hasn't been decided yet. 為了防止句子頭重腳輕,通常把形式主語it放在主語位置,真正主語(從句)擱置於句末   It is certain that he will win the match.

12.句子用作主語。如:“How do you do ?” is a greeting.“你好”是一句問候語。