最新試題每日一練 —— 語法填空(11)


There was a farmer who always sold a pound of butter to a baker. One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see if he was getting a pound and found that he was not. This angered ______(1)(he), so he took the farmer to court. The judge asked the farmer ______(2) he had a measuring tool. The farmer replied, “I have a pair of scale. I have been buying a pound of bread from him. When the baker ______(3) (bring) me the bread, I always put it on my scale and give him the same weight of butter. ”


Parrots are found in countries like Brazil, Australia and India. They usually live ______(4) large groups and because they like to eat fruit, they are sometimes a problem for farmers. There are different kinds of parrots, but they all have strong beaks and feet, which they use for ______(5)(climb) and holding food. The biggest parrots can live for up to 80 years. They are ______(6)(noise), but they are clever birds and it is easy to teach them to talk. Some zoos have parrot shows, where you can see the birds doing things they have learned.


Kite flying is popular around China. It is known as zhiyuan, as kites were made of paper ______(7) when they fly, they are like eagles. Kites ______(8)(use) for military purpose in the beginning. Later kite flying gradually became a very popular recreational activity. In the past, people ______(9)(fasten) a bamboo-made whistle onto a kite. While flying through the wind, it made sound like the music ______(10)(produce) by guzheng, a traditional Chinese musical instrument. Therefore, it has its modern name as fengzheng. (2019年北京豐臺二模)


1. him

2. if/whether

3. brings

4. in

5. climbing

6. noisy

7. and

8. were used

9. fastened

10. produced