黑曜石搭配白水晶及鑽珠手鍊 Black with white crystalBracelet


此黑白水晶搭配一起,第一眼覺得很醜;有很low的感覺;以後一直都是這樣認為的。值到把它和其它顏色漂亮的手鍊放在一起,它的清新、自然就顛覆了我的三觀--其實它一直都很美!Obsidian, a kind of igneous rock, is mainly composed of silica. It is a kind of natural glass formed after the rapid cooling of volcanic lava, which belongs to the crystal of non-pure crystal.

This black-and-white crystal is very ugly at first sight; it has a very low feeling; it has been thought so since. It's worth putting it with beautiful bracelets of other colors. Its freshness and naturalness overturn my three views -- in fact, it's always beautiful!