看美劇學口語-Day 9-wanted out

注意:請小夥伴們仔細聽文中的“I knew what I wanted out of life”這句視頻原音配音,會發現很多技巧喲。很簡單的一句,需要小夥伴們反覆練習。


Thank you so much. You can have a seat.Thank you. I like that energy.Now, 15 years ago, I had nothing.I knew what I wanted out of life,but like so many people, I let fear and insecurity control me.Our brains, they 're just like any other hard drive.But instead of wires, we have neural pathways.I needed to reprogram my pathways.I needed to hack my life.


感謝大家的支持,請坐吧,謝謝! 我喜歡你們這股熱情,15年前我一無所有,我追切地想知道我渴望得到什麼,但就像大多數大那,我被恐懼和不安攫住心神,我們的大腦和硬盤一樣,但我們沒有線路,只有神經,我需要重新規劃我的線路,我需要改變我的生活.


wanted out:獲得,獲取


You should know what you want out of tool technically and functionally, and you must clearly understand how the software solution will fit with and support your business processes.
