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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced new curbs on movement in the United Kingdom to halt the spread of novel coronavirus, urging people to simply stay at home.


From Monday night, people are only allowed to leave their homes for very limited purposes.


"Shopping for basic necessities, as infrequently as possible. One form of exercise a day - for example a run, walk, or cycle - alone or with members of your household. Any medical need, to provide care or to help a vulnerable person," Johnson said.


But he restricted travel only to and from essential work, such as NHS, where this cannot be done from home.


Johnson said police will have the power to enforce rules when people do not comply.


Parks will remain open for exercise but gatherings will be dispersed.


All public assemblies of more than two people, excluding people who live together, will be banned, the prime minister said.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel in self-quarantine


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has made the decision to self-quarantine in her home after having contact with a doctor who tested positive for the novel coronavirus, her spokesperson Steffen Seibert said Sunday.


Merkel will be tested regularly over the coming days and will continue to conduct her duties as chancellor from home, Seibert said.


Earlier Sunday, Merkel announced Germany was banning meetings of more than two people in public for the next two weeks to contain the virus. Exceptions to the rules are being made for people who live together and for work-related gatherings.


TCM treatment effective


A total of 74,187 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, which account for 91.5 percent of total infections on the Chinese mainland, have been administered traditional Chinese medicine as part of their treatment, and over 90 percent of them have shown improvement.


TCM has effectively relieved symptoms, prevented deterioration, reduced the mortality rate, raised the recovery rate and boosted patients' recovery.


About 13 percent of the medical staff that has sustained medical care in Hubei, or more than 4,900, are TCM workers, adding the size and strength of TCM assistance teams were unprecedented.
