《燈塔之書》:它們的故事是星辰大海 A book to explore history of lighthouses


An illustrated book on the general history of lighthouse has been published by China Pictorial Publishing House, outlining over 100 noted lighthouses carefully selected from worldwide by renowned English history writer R.G. Grant.



A lighthouse is a tower, building, or other type of structure designed to emit light from a system of lamps and lenses and to serve as a navigational aid for maritime pilots at sea or on inland waterways.


Take the Lighthouse of Alexandria for example. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was built on the island of Pharos outside the harbor of Alexandria, Egypt around 300 - 280 BCE, during the reigns of Ptolemy I and II. With an impressive height of over 100 meters (330ft), it entered the established list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.


Although no longer existing now, the structure, after standing for over 1600 years, has left a lasting legacy by giving its Greek name 'Pharos' to the architectural genre of any tower with a light designed to guide mariners.


懷聖寺光塔 Light Tower in Guangzhou


There is a lighthouse named Light Tower still standing in Guangzhou. The Light Tower is situated in the southwest corner of the Huaisheng Mosque which is believed to be constructed by a group of Arabs during Tang Dynasty.


懷聖寺光塔 Light Tower in Guangzhou


The Light Tower has a round minaret, about 36 meters tall, with typical characteristics of Arabic architecture, such as a pointed tip on the top, different from traditional towers in China.

鉛筆及水彩紙本——從廣州金門眺望光塔 1858年,查爾斯·威廉(Lt.Charles Sidney William)


The minaret was used as a beacon for ships passing through the Pearl River. It is said that when sailors and merchants saw the tower, they would know that they had arrived at Guangzhou, an important place for foreign trade along the Maritime Silk Road.


Once widely used, the number of operational lighthouses in the world has declined due to the expense of maintenance and the rise of cheaper and often much more effective electronic navigational systems.




As the first of its kind in China, the book is illustrated with nearly 400 exclusive pictures, including some design manuscripts that have never been made public, vividly depicting the world’s lighthouses in fields including arduous construction, lighting technology and stories of keepers.


If you are curious about the history of lighthouses and want to know more about them, this book can serve as a good choice.



Source: 中國畫報出版社