
一. 關係代詞: that which who whom

1.that既可代表事物也可代表人, which代表事物, 在從句中作主語或賓語,that在從句中作賓語時常可省略代詞,which在從句中作賓語不可以省略。而且,如果which在從句中作“不及物動詞+介詞”的介詞的賓語,注意介詞不要丟掉.

eg.I lost my key in the theatre where I saw this film=I lost my key in the theatre in which I saw this film.

2. who和whom引導的從句用來修飾人,分別作從句中的主語和賓語,whom作賓語時,要注意它可以作動詞的賓語也可以作介詞的賓語。

二. 關係副詞:where when whose


eg. I went the Zhongshan Park, where was the right destination.


eg.By the time you arrive in London,we will have stayed there for two weeks.

3.whose是關係代詞,修飾名詞作定語,相當於所修飾成分的前置所有格.它引導的從句可以修飾人和物,當它引導的從句修飾物體時,意思相當於of which。

eg. I saw a boy standing on the groud, whose hat was red.