






他的頭像也戴上了口罩,還在簽名裡威脅說:“戴上口罩,否則就抓住你”(Wearing mask so as not to catch you.)。



(Stay strong, Iran.Clean your hands.And your government.)


(The worst thing about the imminent extinction of the human race via environmental cataclysm is, it may hurt the economy.)


(Worldwide, there are now over three billion confirmed cases of being an asshole.)


(This is not a time to panic.This is not a time to spread misinformation.But most of all, this is not a time to TikTok.)






(I’m trying but the hard part is convincing the virus to enter his body.)




(In an ideal scenario the President of the United States and the worst human being in the world would be two different people.)







("Why did you create mosquitoes?" A better question is "Why did you create people?" Answer: to feed the mosquitoes.)


(First I created stupidity. Then, to give it some place to go, I created people.)


(I created mankind to spend half its time praising Me and the other half killing each other over who praised Me better.)


(Orgasms are My way of apologizing for everything other than orgasms.)



(Science is true whether or not you believe it,but religion is true whether or not it's true.)


(The next generation has been the worst generation in the minds of the present generation for 500 generations.)


(Wrong people are just as sure right people are wrong as right people are sure wrong people are wrong. The only difference is they're wrong.)


(Just because some idiot disagrees with you doesn't make you not an idiot.)


(I apologize to 20% of you for the other 80%.)


(With great power comes no responsibility.)


(Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I'm omnipotent. Do the math.)


(Artificial intelligence can never replace natural stupidity.)



(I'm not a racist but I don't like human people.)


(At those darkest moments when it feels like I've abandoned you,remember:I was never with you to begin with.)


(What doenn't kill you makes Me try harder.)


(Sometimes when the whole world is against you,the whole world is right.)


(Don't waste time worrying about what other people think. Because deep down you already know what they think. They think you suck.)


(Life is unfair, but that's a good thing. If it were fair things would go even worse for you.)


(Your right to be stupid does not change the fact that you're stupid.)


(Stop praying.I'm clearly not listening.)



(“God!Why hasnt thou forsaken us?”

Because,I mean,just LOOK at you.)


(There is life in outer space,and it's intelligent,and that's why it's staying away from you.)



(It's easy to blame others for your mistakes,so do that.)


(If you're not following Me on Twitter you're going to hell. If you are following me on Twitter you're going to hell... first-class!)


(You can't believe everything you read. But many people don't even read what they believe.)


(Money can't buy happiness, but neither can poverty, and money can buy a lot of other really cool stuff, so try to have some at all times.)


(If I could give one piece of advice to help you avoid the hardships and misery of this world, I wouldn't.)


(If ignorance is bliss, why is the world so unhappy?)


(Why do bad things happen to good people? To balance out the good things that happen to bad people.)


(Don't despair. It's always been this bad. You've just gotten better at noticing it.)


(If you think #GameofThrones is ending poorly, wait till you see how you finish off.)



(I know it's "ungodly" of Me to curse as much as I do, and I want to stop, but it's hard when so many of you are so fucking stupid.)



(Retweet this and you'll go to heaven. Yes, the standards are now that low.)


寫這個推特的,當然是個人:他叫大衛·賈維爾巴姆(David Javerbaum),是《每日秀》和《科爾伯特報告》的編劇,得過艾美獎、格萊美獎,等等。












(My dear, You gave people a brain, but You also had to give instruction for use.)

