
As probably everyone knows here in China, the conflict between China and America (Or even the entire western part of the world) has become more and more serious as the months passed. And the people who get the most afflicted are -- the students the study abroad.


Racism 種族歧視

As western people see us, we are Asians who, in their minds, can only do nothing but labor for other people with intelligence. But that image, was the status we were at 50 years ago, not today. Chinese have equal if not higher knowledge than most people out there. I do admit we have done things that are morally corrupted, but the thing is, we have changed so much over the last decade. For example, the total percentage of our country that was educated in 2000 was 67%, while in 2020, the percentage was gone up to 97%. However, the images of us still stuck in inefficient labor is still a common phenomenon in the western world.


Economic Restraints 經濟困難

Well, the entire conflict between China and the western world can be summarized in 2 words - a trade war. The biggest victim is our country-wide stock market. People across China might be denying this but, the damage is huge and might irreversible for at least a good few years without any other problems with America. As most people know, tuitions in America is high enough for a normal Chinese family, but there is still more. Daily expense. Extra fee. Tips etc. A Chinese family cannot handle this! Especially not in this trade war.
