英語趣聽力 Do you use your own cup when buying coffee?

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Do you use your own cup when buying coffee?

Hello and welcome to 6 minute English. I'm Neil. And I'm Rob. Now Rob, We’ve talked before in this program about our love of coffee. Oh, Yes, indeed. I couldn’t function without it. But have you ever thought about the environmental consequences of all those disposable coffee cups? Yes, indeed. I always carry a reusable cup with me. so I don’t have to throw one away. So if a disposable cup is one you throw away,a reusable one is one that you can use again and again. Yes, there is a big problem with disposable cups. In there, many of them can’t be recycled. So there is a lot of waste for something we only use for a short time. What are the big coffee shop chains doing about this problem? we will find out a little bit more shortly. But first a quiz for you. Which country drinks the most coffee per capita? So not the total amount of coffee but the average per person. Is it A Japan? B Kenya or C Finland. what do you think Rob? oh, tricky. I don’t think Japanese are big coffee drinkers. I know they produce a lot of coffee in Kenya. I’m surprised that the USA is not on the list. I’m gonna go for Finland just because. we will see if you are right later in this program. On a recent BBC you and yours radio program, they discussed the topic of coffee cups. Some of the big chains are now charging customers more for a disposable cup. 未完待續,歡迎大家來補充