英語趣聽力 之 When do babies usually start talking


When do babies usually start talking?

The weather’s been nice lately, hasn’t it? Yes, it has. The winter’s been mild this year. But according to the forecast, there might be some snow in part of the country next week. You know. That’s good because I love snow.... Enough,enough. Ok.They are going to think it’s true that British people only talk about the weather. In this program, we are talking about conversation and how to start talking with people you don’t know. In short, how to make small talk. Right, well small talk is what we call a polite and informal conversation about things which aren’t really important or meaningful when meeting people socially, like a party for example. In this program, you’ll learn some vocabulary about communication. But first, a question. Rob when do babies usually start talking? Is it when they are A 9 months, B 16 months, or C 18 months? Well I know they start making noises at quite an early age.I guess that’s talking. Let me say 9 months. Okay. We’ll have the answer to that question at the end of the program. Small talk is a social skill. Some people feel awkward. It means they feel uncomfortable, embarrassed when they go to a party and don’t know many people there. Liz Brewer, the author of the ultimate guide to party planning etiquette, knows a lot about what to do on these occasions. Etiquette is the set of rules which indicate what behavior in a society is acceptable and what’s not. Yes. the author knows a lot about etiquette. Let’s listen to her advice. What expression does she use to describe the active attempting to start a conversation with someone? “ You walk in a room, there is a sea of faces. Well, first thing we do is. emm .. It’s the weather, because we are , in fact, breaking the ice. That is a code that means I want to talk to you. It’s an easy subject. It’s not too penetrating. We are very private people. We don’t like to give too much information. So we are on safe ground. we start off with the weather. If that goes well, we then take it one step further” 2:31