
admit [ədˈmɪt]



【搭】admit one's fault 承認錯誤; It is generally admitted that...公認...





承認事實 accept truth


~ (to sth/to doing sth) | ~ (to sb) (that…)

(常指勉強)承認 to agree, often unwillingly, that sth is true

同義詞: confess

【例】[V] She admits to being strict with her children.她承認對自己的孩子很嚴厲。

【例】Don't be afraid to admit to your mistakes.不要怕認錯。

【例】It was a stupid thing to do, I admit.我承認,那次乾的是件蠢事。

【例】[VN] He admitted all his mistakes.他承認了全部錯誤。

【例】She stubbornly refuses to admit the truth.她頑固地拒不承認事實。

【例】Why don't you just admit defeat (= recognize that you cannot do sth) and let someone else try ?你幹嗎不乾脆承認自己不行,讓別人來試試?

【例】Admit it! You were terrified!承認了吧!你嚇壞了!

【例】[V (that)] They freely admit (that) they still have a lot to learn.他們坦率承認,他們要學的東西還很多。

【例】I couldn't admit to my parents that I was finding the course difficult.我無法向父母實話實說,我覺得這門課程很難。

【例】You must admit that it all sounds very strange.必須承認這一切聽起來很古怪。

【例】[VN that] It was generally admitted that the government had acted too quickly.普遍認為,政府行動過急。

【例】[V speech] ‘I'm very nervous,’ she admitted reluctantly.“我很緊張。”她勉強承認說。

【例】[VN to inf] The appointment is now generally admitted to have been a mistake.現在公認那次任命是一個錯誤。

【幫助說明】 This pattern is only used in the passive. 此句型僅用於被動語態。

承認責任 accept blame


~ (to sth/to doing sth)

承認(過錯、罪行);招認;招供 to say that you have done sth wrong or illegal

同義詞: confess to

【例】[V] She admitted to having stolen the car.她供認偷了那輛轎車。

【例】He refused to admit to the other charges.他拒不承認其他指控。

【例】[VN] She admitted theft.她招認了偷竊行為。

【例】He refused to admit his guilt.他拒不認罪。

【例】[V -ing] She admitted having driven the car without insurance.她供認駕駛了這輛沒有保險的轎車。

准許進入 / 加入 allow to enter/join


[VN] ~ sb/sth (to/into sth)

准許…進入(某處) to allow sb/sth to enter a place

【例】Each ticket admits one adult.每張票只准許一位成人入場。

【例】The narrow windows admit little light into the room.窗戶狹窄,只有少量光線可以照進房間。

【例】You will not be admitted to the theatre after the performance has started.演出開始後不許進入劇場。


[VN] ~ sb (to/into sth)

准許…加入(俱樂部、組織);接收(入學) to allow sb to become a member of a club, a school, or an organization

【例】The society admits all US citizens over 21.凡21歲以上的美國公民均可加入該社團。

【例】Women were only admitted into the club last year.這傢俱樂部去年才接納女會員。


[VN] [often passive] ~ sb to/into a hospital, an institution, etc.

接收入院;收治 to take sb to a hospital, or other institution where they can receive special care

【例】Two crash victims were admitted to the local hospital.兩位車禍受害者已送進當地醫院。


admit of sth

(formal) 容許,有…可能(指解決辦法、解釋等) to show that sth is possible or probable as a solution, an explanation, etc.
