

Some people think that climate change could have a negative effect on business. Other people think that climate change could create business more opportunities. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




Climate change can be catastrophic to business development. Environmentalists are often confronted with the claim that stronger and more far-reaching environmental regulations will harm the economy by decreasing economic growth and increasing unemployment. As they see that many governments who are supportive to combat climate change are collecting the carbon emission tax to reduce the greenhouse effects. While such tax collection will accordingly raise the cost of doing business in many industries, which cannot be a gospel to the development of the social economy. For example, carbon taxes on air travel can well result not only in a reduction in long haul travel but also a spatial redistribution of activities, for the higher traveling cost may make mass tourism likely to continue to prefer destinations closer to home, which is not supportive to the development of global tourism.

Some others who claimed that climate change can be positive to the business may have their reasons. They believe that new business, such new energy industries that can alleviate greenhouse effects, will boom when nations try to battle the disastrous effects brought by climate change, which can consequently bring more working opportunities to society and raise the governments’ revenue. But, unfortunately, this kind of burgeoning industry needs time to grow, and it cannot be as positive as we imagine the economic development of society.