
暢泉,著名當代藝術家、策展人/毒主義哲學思想體系奠基者/泉國際(香港)藝術、狼泊彎、沃當代藝術創始人/現生活創作於北京。Chang Quan Famous artist, poet, curator Important promoters of contemporary art Founder of quan international (Hong Kong) art organization Toxic art advocates He lives in Beijing now



Over the years, the mind has been in touch some anxiety about the reality of water chestnut, depressed shadow seems to have reflected the fall of hope, the hand points to the stars in the suspicion of self emotion, without reservation the brow revealed out of the water, with a smile, smile, black eyes began to blur the shadow of the past, in the real world with the light of tears began smile, at this time the fate of the self in the swaying, such as waving leaves continue swaying in the wind, until forever! (text: chang quan)