
Study-based 和Process-based inspection 執行的頻率:

The type of inspection(study-based or process-based) does not only depend on the number of studiesper week / month / year but also from complexity and duration of individualstudies. Once complexity of a study (even lasting for a few hours only) is highand frequency for this type of studies is low (but not justifying routineactivity), study-based inspections should be applied. In order to harmonizeinspection procedure, the GLP Compliance Monitoring Units (Swiss?)consider the following frequencies as a minimal requirement:

- 01 – 10 studies / year =100% study-based inspections

- 11 – 50 studies / year =minimum 20% study-based inspections

- >50 studies / year =minimum 10% study-based inspections

The criteria for use of aprocess-based inspection program should be reflected in the QA program.


以上摘自:Swiss Interpretation of theGLP Principles 2013 State: July 18, 2013
