Road Trip:Goodbye:旅途,再見


A boy and a girl are driving in a red car.(一個男孩和一個女孩正駕駛一輛紅色汽車)They are twins.(他們是雙胞胎)The boy is lsaac.(男孩是以撒)He is driving.(他正在駕駛)The girl is Wendy.(女孩是溫迪)

There are police officers on bicycles.(有騎自行車的警察)Goodbye,(再見)police officers!(警察)

There are teachers in cars.(車上有老師)Goodbye,(再見)teachers!(老師)

There is a woman wearing a yellow dress walking a dog.(有一個穿著黃色連衣裙的女人牽著一隻狗。

There is a man reading a book in the grass.(有一個男人在草地上讀書)


''Do we have shoes and hats?''(我們有鞋子和帽子嗎?)asks Wendy.(溫迪問)

''Yes!(是的)The shoes and hats are in the trunk,''(鞋子和帽子在後備箱裡)says Isaac.''(以撒說)Do we have cups and plates?''(我們有杯子和盤子嗎?)

''Yes!''(是的)says Isaac.(以撒說)''The sandwiches and apples are in the trunk.(三明治和蘋果在後備箱裡)Do we have sandwiches and apples?''(我們有三明治和蘋果嗎?)

''Yes !''(是的)says Isaac.(以撒說)''The sandwiches and apples are in the trunk.(三明治和蘋果在後備箱裡)Do we have an atlas?(我們有地圖集嗎?)Do we have a pen?''(我們有筆嗎?)

''No!''(不)Wendy says.''(溫迪說)We do not have an atlas and two green pens in the store.(商店裡沒有地圖集和兩支綠色的筆)

Isaac and Wendy are driving on the road.(艾薩克和溫迪在路上開車)Goodbye,(再見)New York!(紐約)Goodbye!(再見)

They are driving,(他們在開車)and the sky is blue.(天空是藍色的)The sun is yellow.(太陽是黃色的)

They are driving,driving,driving.(他們在開車,開車,開車)

They are driving(他們在開車) and the sky is black.(天空是黑色的)The moon is white.(月亮是白色的)

They are driving,driving,driving.(他們在開車,開車,開車)
