


The curriculum system of taekwondo in Meihua Kindergarten adapts to the physical and mental development characteristics of children aged 3-6, and adopts the combination of collective teaching and stratified teaching to fully respect the interests and personality of children. When teaching taekwondo, teachers adopt the situational teaching method and combine with the requirements of quality education to give targeted education prescriptions according to the individual characteristics of each child, so that their talents can be well developed.






Chang Renjie, the taekwondo teacher of Meihua kindergarten, is a black belt of taekwondo, and has many years of experience in taekwondo teaching in international schools. Teacher Chang believes that the skill of education lies in how teachers release their love for children.


The benefits of children learning taekwondo include:

1. 以禮相待:講究禮始禮終,在任何場合下都要禮待對手,長期學習跆拳道的孩子,會逐漸形成謙虛友好的性格。

Treat each other with courtesy: pay attention to ceremony beginning and ceremony end, everyone should treat his opponent politely on every occasion, the child that learns taekwondo for a long time, can form modesty gradually.

2. 強身健體:跆拳道是一種以腿法為主的武技,有前踢,推踢,橫踢,下劈,側踢,勾踢,後踢等等。對速度和力量都有一定的要求,能較好的增強孩子的體質。

Physical fitness: taekwondo is a leg-based martial art, including front kick, push kick, horizontal kick, down kick, side kick, hook kick and back kick, etc. Speed and strength are required, so it can enhance the child's physique gradually.

3. 提升氣質:學習跆拳道有利於挺拔身姿。在練習跆拳道的時候,教練通常會明確要求抬頭,挺胸,收腹,提臀,一個良好的身姿是學好跆拳道的前提。

Improve temperament: learning taekwondo is good for your posture.In the practice of taekwondo, the instructor will usually clearly require the head, chest, stomach, hip, a good posture is the prerequisite to learn taekwondo.

4. 靈活機動:學習跆拳道要善於隨機應變,能夠靈活移動身體,善於方向轉換,敏捷出招。孩子長期得到相關的訓練,身體的敏捷度與大腦的反應速度都會明顯提升。

Flexibility: to learn taekwondo, one must be adaptable, be able to move his body flexibly, be good at changing directions and move quickly. Children who have been trained for a long period of time will experience a significant increase in physical agility and brain speed.


Please enjoy the ECP course of Meihua kindergarten - wonderful moment of taekwondo class !