
6.A Brave Maid


A wooden vase from the Ming Dynasty at the entrance of the reception hall amazed everyone. The artists designed it in a rare style and selected valuable jewels to decorate it. People thought highly of its fancy colour of honey and the beautiful paintings on it.

The vase used to belong to a former castle. But when the country was

at war, the enemy troops exploded the castle. Debates on how the vase survived went on and on. In order to remove people’s doubt, a team of no less than 20 people carried out an informal investigation. The evidences they found showed that a maid took the vase apart and asked a sailor to sink it in a local well. She never gave away the secret even under the cruel trial of the enemies who were in search of treasures.

It is worth giving this brave maid a fortune in return.


朝木製花瓶 使每個人都驚奇不已。藝術家以一種罕有的風格設計它,並挑選貴重的珠寶裝飾它。人們高度讚賞它那蜂蜜般的奇特顏色,還有上面繪製的繪畫


,一個由不少於20人的調查隊開展了一次非正式的調查。他們找到的證據表明,有個女僕 把花瓶拆開,然後讓一名水手把它當地的一個水井裡。她從來沒有洩露這個秘密,即使是在搜尋財寶的敵人殘酷的審訊下。
